Monday, March 22, 2021



Now that we have arrived at the conclusion of our short course meet schedule some of you may be wondering, What do we do now?  I am sure one of the big things on all of your minds is Spring Break especially if you are lucky to be traveling this year by 🚘, 🚂, or ✈️.  If you are one of those lucky ones be safe and have a great time.  For the rest of us enjoy the time away from the pool, let your body rest and get outside and do some type of activity.

Everyone who participated in the Mako Spring Fling meet did a great job with many personal best times to finish off this part of our competition.  We had a lot of you who took the chance and went outside of your comfort zones looking for new adventures with the 500 free and the 400IM coming to mind.  It's amazing when talking to all you that what I hear a lot is this, "That was fun. or I liked that, or It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."  Sometimes when you go outside of your comfort zone you discover a whole new world that has some fun things in it. Something to remember in the future is that when you take some risks often the rewards will be higher.

We cannot forget our 9-10 year old swimmers who traveled out to the Freedom 
Center for their Championship Meet.  You little guys were absolutely amazing swimming a lot of races in about an hour all four days, and posting a lot of new best times that you can be proud of.

As mentioned in our last post, we have been going hard between those lane lines since June 1st and over the next couple weeks, take the time to reflect on all of your hard work and your accomplishments.  It is also a good time to look at any shortcomings that you think you may have had.  

Where did I put those notes with my goals for the season?  Yes your roadmap to success.  Opps no roadmap.  Maybe that is a shortcoming.  Its hard to get somewhere without a roadmap.  Write down how you felt after not only your good swims but those swims that you think were bad.  Remember there is no such thing as a bad swim, in fact the only bad swim is the one that you learn nothing from and keep repeating it.  Keeping that swimming journal will always provide you with information that can help you in the future.  This is all part of taking ownership of your swimming.

Often times after your swims we can sense your disappointment with your times even though you swam a great race and in some cases even dropped some time. Other times when talking to some of you after a swim I get a lot of, "I'm tired or I didn't feel that good."  Guess what people it happens to everyone so

instead of going to that EXCUSE WHEEL every time something doesn't go exactly right figure out a way of not letting it happen again.  Guess what it probably will. Sometimes in todays world there is a lot of attention on winning every time there is a competition, which is not a bad thing, but it is also not the end all.  After all you are still kids who are constantly growing, changing and learning.  

Always remember that you have to embrace the entire process if you are truly going to enjoy the sport and that means taking the good with the bad and there is always more good if you open your 👀 


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