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Showing posts from October, 2023


  HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL You all have done so well up to this point in the season that we think you have earned a day off from swimming.   Enjoy the night and be safe. A Halloween riddle to start off your day and get you in the mood. I have hundreds of ears, but I can't hear a thing. What am I? You will need to unscramble the letters to get your answer.                                   naedfcolri


  “I’ve always been a firm believer in mind over matter.  If you don’t believe that you can achieve it, your body will start to believe this and your be stuck.” Sheryl  Halloween is upon us and it appears that all the ghosts and goblins are preparing for their big night of fun, games and spooky adventures.  Here is a swimming meet haunt for you. As Courtney stepped up onto the blocks she felt the grip of icy fingers on her arm and as she  lurched in fright the lights went out and she was standing all alone.  The water in the pool turned black, but you could hear it sloshing from side to side violently. As Courtney stepped down from the block to gather her thoughts, closer and closer the waves came, they we're getting bigger and bigger until they finally  spilled  over the sides. Towards the deep end she began to hear the endless slapping of a hand on the water and then all of a sudden she heard a piercing scream but when she looked the pool was empty.   Courtney couldn't help
 “If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.” LAST WEEK'S   This past week we spent a lot of our pool time working on our IM's.  You all have done a great job at putting your IM' together especially with your transitions into each of the strokes.  Our underwater streamlines and kicks have been consistency been getting better.  We want you to understand and buy into the fact that this is important part of your race.  By improving your streamlines and underwater kicks, you will shorten your races and the amount of actual swimming that you are doing.  In the end you save energy and become more efficient, but don't forge t WE DO NOT sacrifice SPEED FOR DISTANCE.  It becomes a juggling act trying to figure it out, that's why you need to focus while working on it. Each of the groups (BLUE--GOLD--PREP) have got a set warmup for each day and it's the same every week and you may have been wondering why that is.  Good question and yes I have a reason for this.  Fi


QUOTE OF THE WEEK "The wishbone will never replace the backbone. NUTRITIONAL TIP OF THE WEEK Last week we talked about the importance of putting a little something into your tanks as you walk out the door for that morning practice, swim meet or school.  Did you know that while your getting your 8-10 hours of sleep during the night, your body is hard at work fasting while your snoozing.  Eating something at breakfast (BIG or small) raises your blood sugar levels and sends energy to the brain and other cells in your body.  Here is an exercise look at dads mower and locate the little button plunger.  Before starting that engine you need to push that a few time signal the mowers engine that it's time to get too work.  Guess what that little breakfast is the signal to your body that it's time to go to work in the same way.  That breakfast sends an injection of energy to your brain and body, which means attention, focus and memory are heightened and you body is energized for mot
“If it’s important to you, you will find a way.  If not, you will find an excuse.” FEEDING YOUR MUSCLES   Having trouble with those early morning workouts or competition?  Not sure what to eat or how much so that you can perform at an optimal level and get through it? Understanding the process and how to get there is not an easy one.Waking up early to jump into a cold pool for either swim practice or  a swim meet is no easy feat.  For sure one of the biggest advantage is you get to see the sun rise and you have a jump on everyone else.  One of the first things that you have to do to survive a early workout/swim meet is to fuel your vessel. By the time you wake up your body is already starving.  You need to figure out a way to fuel it that works for you.  It's not something that you can ignore because the consequences will affect your success.  I was amaze or maybe not that so many of you have nothing to eat before arriving at the pool in the morning.  This is an area of your traini