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Showing posts from August, 2023

"WIN" what's Important Now

  Welcome to the New Season (23-24). It was great seeing all of you this past Saturday as we had a chance to dip our toes into the water and get back to a little swimming. We hope that your first week of school went well and that you are starting to settle into a routine so that you can throw your swimming into the mix in a couple of weeks. This is an exciting time for you all as you may be settling I not new schools, new classrooms, new teachers, and maybe even some new friends.  Most of all your starting a new year ready for all the new knowledge that you will be absorbing as you go along.  Take advantage of it and remember that you are a student-athlete (notice that although it is a compound noun, which noun comes first).  Keep up with your school work. For those of you who missed Saturday let's take a moment and re-cap some information we went over so that we are all starting on the same page. GOLD and PREP GROUP MOTTO THIS SEASON --"WIN". What's Important Now. We