Friday, March 26, 2021


 So spring break has finally arrived for most of you. The past year has brought many changes to your lives both in swimming and your personal comings and going.  With the arrival of this annual ritual it might be a good time to reflect on this past year.

Swimming is a unique sport, one which seems to never end.  There is always the next workout, the next meet always something.  You spent the last year swimming about 624,000 yards.  That a about 380 miles or swimming the English Channel

18 times back and forth.  Now of course we did not swim the whole way as we spent 20 % of the time kicking across, and other than free we spent  most of our other time swimming IM, back and than choice as we made are way back and forth.

Most swimmers enter a race trying to win and better their times and a chance at qualifying for that next level meet.  Even at the high school level you race your dual meets with that chance at qualifying for districts and a chance to advance to regions and states, but what happens when that last meet of the season is finished.  What should you do next?

First off this is a perfect time to take a break, yes a break is okay.  I know some of you believe a break is a bad thing, but it all depends on your roadmap for the season, and we have reached our destination for the short course season.  Keep in mind that a break doesn't mean becoming a couch potato,
you can hike take walks, ride a bike all of which will engage all the muscles in your body.  

 The break away from the pool provides you with opportunities to refocus on your next roadmap, rest and refuel your body and maybe most importantly allows you to reflect on your accomplishments of the past year.  The break will also allow the body and mind to come back stronger than before as you head into long course and your summer meets.

As you reflect on everything that you have done in and out of the pool over the pas year always keep this at the top of your lists, Being proud of your accomplishments is the first step to being proud of yourself.  We are proud of your accomplishments and just so you know my number 1 objective for all of you, strange as it sounds is not to win a race or even get a best time.  No what I want you to do is get your hand to the pad and at that moment know that you have given everything you had and you held nothing back,  Then my friends we are all winners.

This is how the Senior Prep/ Senior Blue and Junior Gold group kicked their way into spring break.

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