Monday, March 15, 2021



First off let’s thank Heather, our Mako parents and all of the officials who helped in providing such a great end of the year meet that all the swimmers worked hard for and deserved.  We would also like to thank Disco Dave for providing all of the great music at all the final sessions.  After getting him to understand to lower the volume we finally had some great music and as we discussed earlier had some great background music playing during all of the races.

As for you the swimmers what can we say as coaches other than you really came ready to put on a incredible show with some great races.  The coaches were awestruck with your ability to come in and race over a four day meet, a new experience for most of you.  Some of you ended up swimming over 13 events or more over the 4 days, a new experience for sure.

When Heather and I got together back in December we were determined to have  a championship meet that included prelims and finals. Working within the capacity of swimmers and the number of swimmers we could have finals became our challenge, but with some tinkering we came up with the format.  

All of this was going to make it somewhat tougher for all the 🏊 participating to make their way to the podium. The end result was that it made for some great swimming during all of the prelims session and each age group.  It was also nice to bring the girls and boys who train together and get them at finals at the same time.   

During prelims it wasn’t just about getting back to finals it became, I

had to be top 3 or in the case of 13-14 top 4 in order to win a medal.

Throughout the meet our warmup periods were shorter and we made adjustments which you all handled brilliantly and the end result was that you were still able to swim faster, a fact not lost on myself as a coach. Was it luck, no I don’t believe in luck, more that all of you did the hard work, warmed up down correctly and were ready to swim fast no matter what and that’s what it comes down to.

To watch you all work and support each other as a group under our restrictions was fun to watch, although coach Heather would keep telling me about our social distancing.

I would take the time to list all of are swimmers that made finals, but honestly I’m afraid 😱 I would miss someone and you all would never let me forget.

We do have to recognize 3 of our Mako teammates who won high point awards; 13-14 boy was Adrian Coray, 13-14 girl Riley Miller and 11-12 girl Claire Dobrydney.  Congratulations 

Again awesome job by all of the Mako swimmers, you came and swam like monsters.

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