Saturday, January 23, 2021



Yesterday as we worked through our workout we emphasized how important your streamlines are off your blocks and every turn in your races.  We talked about how swimmers at your age and level should be able to get to the flags off every wall just with a good push and tight streamline, further off the start. 

Stop and think for a second here, every 25 of your race begins at the wall where you should be moving at your top speed.  Without that good push off the turn along with a tight streamline combined with a couple of underwater dolphin kick.  My question to you all is, Why do we forget or ignore this one aspect in our swimming?  By the way I too when swimming find myself not having good streamlines off my walls.  I

believe that in most cases it comes down to lack of focus, being lazy or my case being old and needing air.

Remember playing the board game Monopoly with all the different properties, railroads, taxes and other spots you could move your piece to after the roll of the dice.  Now your probably starting to wonder where I’m going with this, it’s simple there is one corner on that board that was somewhat rewarding every time you passed it, the bank rewarded you with $200 that often kept you in the game a little longer until you were able to muster a comeback.

The pool is your board and every time you hit a wall it allows you to pick up something every time.  What is it that I get, you may be wondering.  A good tight streamline off the wall is free speed.  Let me say that again, FREE SPEED.  It's no good to have a fast turn if you push off into a ineffective streamline.  It' like getting that card or landing on the spot on the board that say's pass go, do not collect $200 and proceed to jail. When you come off your turn with an ineffective streamline, you are putting the handbrake on during your race. The biggest take away I want you to think about is this, stay as long as possible so that your front profile is as small and narrow as possible.
Hopefully we have pointed out to all of you how important this one thing is to your swimming and how you can take advantage of it and soar to new heights in your races.  It will  require a little more focus on your part during practice.  It not something that just happens, it takes hard work and concentration on your part.

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