Tuesday, January 26, 2021


This week as swimmers from both the Senior Prep and Junior Gold groups prepare to head into their first championship style meets in almost a year it might be good to make a few mental notes before we head to the blocks.  We were asked the other day, should we suit up for IMX?  Simple answer, YES and that includes our High School kids swimming at Districts.  That will be the first mental signal that this meet is a little different and that your ready to swim fast.

The last few weeks were spent on one task to improve your races and that was being more aggressive with your turns and maximizing your distance and speed off the walls.  

This is such a simple task to perform during practice and as we try to get you to focus on it at every wall lets look at this task in a different light.  Your turn at the wall combined with your streamline begins the next segment of your race cumulating at, you guessed it, another wall.  See where we are going with this.
Take a look at this diagram;
How you start off your walls can change your race in a moment.  A simple suggestion for you that can change your race is your turn at the wall followed by a great streamline and it doesn't matter whether you are tall or short, or even how much talent you possess. It comes down to how important do you think it is, and how much ❤️ do you have to perfect it.   As you come off each wall think of the waterflow as your competition that needs to be defeated, no small task.  If you can execute this simple technique you can change your entire race.  If you can perform this simple and mundane task off your walls it allows you to go onto the next task in the event and by the end of the race you just might look up and see a personal best time.  Little things matter in a race, and if you can't do the little things right can you really expect to be successful.  So if your looking for a personal best, start off your races with great walls and streamlines.

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