Friday, January 1, 2021



Now that the holidays are over, we want to wish you a happy new year.  Here is hoping that your year gets off to a great start at home, academically, in the pool and with any other endeavors that you undertake in 2021.

The new year will bring an end to our abbreviated holiday training tomorrow with a fast sprinting set, but it also will be a start with a clean slate and allows you a chance to review your goals and set some New Year's Resolutions to help you reach those goals.  Although you already have made your goals at the beginning of our season, we can always use New Year's as a time to make resolutions to enhance your goals.

New Year, New You, New Swimmer  Some of you may not have set goals back in September and thats okay, but let's make 2021 the year to change that.  You should always take a few moments each season and set some goals for yourself.  These goals can relate to many areas of your swimming and they don't always have to be result oriented.  These goals not only have to relate to the times or cuts that you want to achieve, but they can also be specific to stroke work, practice habits, and don't forget ab out nutrition, rest, sleep and hydration.  They are all tied into that big time drop or cut you dream about.  Turn your dreams into reality.

When you look make or review these goals, always keep that dream goal in mind.  what are all these little goals gearing you up for?  Districts? Records? Cuts for a bigger meet?

Here are some simple goals that don't have a time attached to them, but just maybe will help you along the way to achieve that time. 
  • Sleep more
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Stay hydrated during the day
  • Stand up straight.  good posture will not only make you swim faster, but it will you look more attractive and confident.  It will also decrease your chances for shoulder and back injuries now and later in life.
  • Body position during practice.  head in line with spine and swim tall.
  • Streamline off every wall.  Your not superman or superwoman so stop pushing off with your hands apart.  it's laziness.
  • Perfect the drills
  • Make every turn and finish that you do legal.  Do it the way you will in a race.
  • Breathing.  Sty balanced in your breathing during your repeats.
  • Teammates.  Help and encourage them during training.
  • Visualize susses.  The difference between winning and losing is 99% mental

If you haven't set goals before, Make it your New Year's Resolution this year to start setting them.  They will not only help with your swimming but also life.  You Know where to start now.

Quote of the week


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