Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Happy New Year’s Eve

To kick off our first practice of 2021 on Saturday the senior prep can suit up.  We will bring in the new year with challenging sprints.  It’s time to challenge yourself, have a little fun, go a little crazy and just maybe swim really fast.

Have a good news years eve.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Participating in sports can be one of the greatest experiences in your life. Sports not only provide a healthy way to stay active and in shape they also help shape you as a individual.  Sometimes with all the distractions and stress that come along with the competition we lose sight of the true meaning of being an athlete.  This year each of you have been faced with many challenges not only in swimming but also at school and at home.  So as we go through this holiday season here are some things that you the athlete can reflect on as we enter the new year.

First off , Do you have to be the best?  No one said that you had to be, except maybe the person in the mirror, and that’s okay to strive for, but let’s face it there is only one person in the entire world that is the best.  As long as you always focus on being the best version of you, and are doing the best that you can do, you’re always be a winner.  Always focus on improving and at the end of the day be satisfied with being a better person and a swimmer than you were when the day began.

Second thing to remember is never let a negative comment or a bad swim define you as a person.  There is no way that you as a swimmer can go race after race without stumbling and having that off day.  Acknowledge that bad swims will happen and learn from mistakes that might have happened, take the positives from the swim ( surprise yes there can be positives in a bad swim) shake it off and move on to the next thing.

Third thing is to give it your all.  Whether it’s practice or a meet always “go hard and leave it in the pool” .  You don’t want to wake up one day with the age old question; “What if?” Whatever you’re doing own i and and take pride in doing it to the best of your ability and you will never have to look in the rear view mirror.  There are no do overs in life.

Fourth thing is to treat your teammates like family.  They are like a second family after all.  As we have said before they are with you through thick and thin.  Pick each other up after a bad practice or race and you may be surprised by the results.  When all the medals and ribbons are forgotten these will be the memories that you will have for a lifetime. These are the people who will have your back day in and day out.

Fifth thing is to stop and thank the important ones, your parents.  They are the ones who are making the big sacrifices to be there with support and encouragement through he both the goo and the bad times.  Don’t forget them.

Above all never forget what it is all about and cherish every moment because if anything else we learned this year is what it’s like when it’s taken away. Enjoy every moment in the pool, at the meets, the day will come when you will have to hang the goggles up and move on.   Hopefully you’ll be able to continue in one form or another, but it’s these friendships and memories that you will forever have to cherish throughout life.

We wish all of you a Happy Holiday season. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Pace Clock Doctor

So let’s have a little fun with this exercise shall we.  Today we as in the senior prep swimmers were having a little trouble with the clock, seems we were still having a snow day, especially Caitlyn.  Now in her defense she reported that she got confused with too much math.  It’s at this point where I have to ask everyone else, Why is everyone just looking at each other asking, should we go This was not rocket science interval.  Just pretty simple stuff like 4 rounds of 4x50 stroke@55 and 1x100 recovery @2:30. No extra rest between rounds as it is built into the set
So here are 4 simple pace clock equations 

X = first send off. X-5 = second send off. X-10 = third send off.  X-15= fourth send off. X-20 = our 100 free recovery @2:30
First things first, what is X.  Coach Paul and Mike gave you X when they said leave on the top which for our purposes was 00.

QUESTION 1:  when do we leave for our second 50?  Think Caitlyn
QUESTION 2:  when does our third 50 begin?  Sara
QUESTION 3:  when does our fourth 50 begin?  Walker
QUESTION 4:  when do we start our recovery swim?  Chaz
EXTRA CREDIT: when do we start our second round?  Anyone please Anyone

WINNER TAKE ALL QUESTION:  you are swimming 20x50 on the 45.  You are first in the lane and your send off is on the 00.  Which repeats will you be leaving on the 30 during the set?  ( oh and your not allowed to text a friend either.

The clock allows us to proceed through an organized practice and get things accomplished, and it only works if the entire group works together on send offs and not on each other’s feet.  By the way if you ever think that someone is riding your feet, don’t get upset it may just mean that your a little off that day and need to let them go ahead of you.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Okay really I’m sure your as happy as Pooh Bear that you don’t get to do our Wednesday workout 🏋️ that you already saw on line.  What do you think, maybe move it to tomorrow? 

Not even enough snow for a distance snow fight, but a good day to take the truck out to the mountains.

Enjoy your day off, see you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Meet Wrap and Moving Forward

 This past weekend our groups had great success at the meet, with a lot of personal best times recorded.  We want to thank all of you for such a great effort at the meet and all the months of hard work leading up to this past weekend.  All of you should be proud of the way you have handled all of the new challenges that have been placed in front of us this past year.

One of the areas that we need to keep working on is our crossover turns if we are going to use them in competition.  An official brought to my attention that we had some disqualifications on Saturday and as explained to me the problem is that we may be over rotating the body past 90 degrees before the hand actually hits the wall.  A BIG NO NO.  Apparently after talking with the referee all the DQ’s were pulled with the benefit going to you, the swimmer.  It’s something that we want you to be aware of as we continue to move forward and this may be a good time to just review the video and really pay attention to that first step.

We were very pleased with our underwater work off the wall and as with anything else this is an area that can always be improved upon.

Those streamlines with the dolphins off the wall are a great way to gain an advantage over your competition and picking up valuable speed off the turns. You are not only moving faster while underwater but more efficiently, but you have to know when it’s time to breakout on the surface.  To get that timing down takes a lot of work with repetition and that is why it is so important to treat every wall during practice like a race.  That’s the only way they will improve.  Don’t take that part of your race for granted.  A lot of you believe you are doing it during practice but it is hard for you to understand that you need to be very aggressive with every wall during our training sessions.

We know that it seems a little soon but we have to look forward to the meet in January and make a decision about which events to enter.  For our High School swimmers let’s not forget that if they can get the season going you all may have a dual meet sometime that weekend.  Our suggestion for you all is to pick one day to swim during our meet and pick events that you would not normally be doing.preferably longer events.  For the rest of you let’s think of this as a training meet and focus on events that you normally might not do.  Don’t be afraid of stepping out of you comfort zone when choosing events, you might be surprised with the results and in the end will actually help your best events when the time is right.

Sunday, December 13, 2020



For all of you who will be trying out for your high school teams this week, everyone from the group will be cheering you on.  Swim fast, have fun and above all stay safe.  Don’t forget you will be adding people to your bubble so keep the masks on and stay apart.  We know it’s hard but we all want to stay in the water until this gets better.

With that in mind for your planning purposes this week, on the days you actually are swimming I think it would be alright to skip our practice that day.   You’ve been going hard since June so I think it’s okay to take that little break.   Talk to your high school coaches so that they are aware of your practice schedule.  It will look a little different this year.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Making Today Count

All of you have been going strong since June and this weekend will allow you to reap the rewards from those tough training sessions in the pool.  Getting yourself mentally prepared during the next 24 hours is just as important as all the physical preparation you’ve worked so hard on in the past months.

Everything that you have done during those months could be undone if you’re head isn’t in the right place as you walk out to the starting blocks.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

It’s human nature to have doubts, worries, and nerves leading up to races, but what is important is that you try and cleanse your mind of these pitfalls before you allow them to overwhelm you mentally and physically.  

Each swimmer has there own routines that allow them to manage these pitfalls.  Make sure that you fully understand your goals. And that they are specific, achievable, and realistic heading into the weekend.

Visualize your race as you see it unfolding beginning with a great start and breakout, being aggressive with your turns and holding a good stroke rate, and finally having a strong finish and getting your hand to the pad.

In doing so you are prepared for any little thing that comes your way.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Meet Goals

As we enter our last meet of the year it might be a good time to revisit your swimming goals to get a picture of where you stand.  We want you to think of this meet as a championship meet, the first since last winter.  We hope that the holiday season combined with this great opportunity that you have been given that you are able to have a little more bounce in your step, that you come prepared to swim fast.  Just Do You!

Speaking of preparation the meet sheets should be out by Friday, so our suggestion is to figure out your events, heat and lane assignments before you arrive at the meet.  This will relieve that stress from your day.  Write it on your hand, piece of paper or take a picture of it with your phone. Do something to prepare.  Pick out someone to beat.

This may also be the best time to revisit an old story, you may remember it as, Good.....Better.....Best....a old Mother Goose nursery rhyme that easily relates to your swimming.  What it means is “Never rest until your good is better and your better becomes your best.”

So, let’s dive into that little rhyme for a moment.  Before you go any further take a moment and think about what that means to you, Not what you think we want to hear but what it truly means to you and your goals.

First up is good might and what that may look like to you. I dunno, 1:01something in 100 free because that’s what you were doing in practice during the set in practice when you were with your teammates with no worries in the world.  To do that on race day would be a good thing.

With that in mind now let’s talk about what better might look like to you.
Again, I am not sure but going out in a 29 something and coming back in a
31 sure looks better because you finish with a 1:00 something.  Could that be your goal?  Now for some of you perfectionists out there you may think that’s a slap in the face because you wanted to go under, but when realistic goals are set maybe just maybe you will relax a little more and by relaxing some of your anxiety and stress may just float away and and allow you to swim fast setting the stage for your best.

The best swim would be for that perfectionist who has set that dream goal of not only going under 1:00 but has set the goal of breaking 59.  You know you have to get out fast maybe a 28 low perhaps a high 27 and then by reaching deep inside yourself you have the ♥️ to come back in a 30 low to go from a good goal, to a better goal, to the 
Let’s have a good week at practice.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Great Test Set

 So, both the Senior Prep/Blue and the Gold groups just finished a week of practice that cumulated with our 50's test set.  So your parents have an idea of what we are doing during this set, let us take a moment...... the first thing that the kids notice as they walk onto the deck is our "special pace clock with green numbers".  The purpose of this is to change the atmosphere and to let the kids know we are going to race.....and race all day.

This set started back in September and repeats about every 3rd week hopefully having it fall one week out from our upcoming meets.  The Senior Prep/Blue group set consists of 50x50 while the Gold groups set consists of 40x50.  The interval for the groups were set the first time we went through this and have been getting faster by a few seconds each time we repeat the set.

You may wonder why use a different clock, but in addition to changing the atmosphere it can be set to reset to 0 after each swim and allows each swimmer to pick up their time after each 50.   For the Prep/Blue group their 50's are choice/free, with the only rule being that each 50 is the same for the entire set.   The Gold group set is all free and again remains the same.

The swimmers are instructed that the purpose of this set is not only to give them confidence to swim fast when they are tired but also to be consistent and try to come in on the same number every time. They understand that it is time to put on their big girl, big boy suits and race that clock.    There is no strategy here its just go fast immediately from that push, and race the entire 50.

As the little story says the clock will never lie and the coaches can see what your coming in at on every repeat.   We also know who might be faster and are able to judge the effort levels.  Their are no drills here just the simple race rules such as no breath turns, no breath at the finishes and always great streamlines with maximum under water dolphins with speed.

The last 50 of the set is done from a dive in heats.  The dive is important so that they can "hog "that lane and not circle swim.  Yes we do not have blocks, but I look at the positives that we can still get from the dive, like the forward thrust we get from a little height with our legs, the streamline as we enter the water and just the overall feeling of moving through the water from the start.  that dive is like first impressions in life such as eye contact, the old firm hand shake know now as a good elbow bump, the first scene of a movie or even that first paragraph in papers you write.  It sets the scene just as the dive sets your race up especially the shorter ones.  Great dives can go a long way.

This past Thursday we had a real good effort on that last 50 with many of the swimmers setting their best time of the set.....thus WINNING THE DAY......   We do have to give a shout out to one of our Junior Gold swimmers who yesterday swam like a "Big Dog" and won every one of her repeats.  Sophia Speidell accepted the challenge and really stepped up and took it to the other 7 swimmers in her group.  She knocked on their doors let herself in before they even knew what happened.  Now we have to say that Luca and Ken gave her a bit of a challenge but in the end Sophia's fingers were on the wall first every time.

Let’s keep up our great effort as we prepare for the meet this upcoming weekend.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


So, this morning a few of you asked about what events to swim at the December meet.  We want you to think of this as a championship meet and with that it is important for you to be smart when picking events.

We will try to answer a few questions here in the hopes that it will help you.   The first thing to discuss is what suit should I wear.  Our suggestion is that do what ever is going to make you comfortable and be able to race fast.  You all know what the right thing to do is.

Now when picking your events as we said, be smart. Notice that on Saturday the 13-14 year old events are both in the morning and evening.  Sunday it changes to allow the 15 and over swimmers to swim both in the morning and evening.  The reason for this is to allow us to get more events in and give a feel of a championship meet, where we are swimming both in the morning and evening.  Do I need to swim both sessions on Saturday or Sunday?  We highly recommend that you do to get the feel of a championship meet.   

Now you should look at your best events and go from there.   Be smart here, don’t bite of more than you can handle.

You don’t want to put events back to back if you can avoid it.  For an example  a swimmer who talked with me asked about swimming the 100 free and the 200 back on Sunday, and unfortunately those events were back to back. She had a vey good argument for swimming he 100 free, as it is a good event for her and she has not done it this year.  What she decided was that she really wanted to give the 100 free and since it was before the 200 back, it was decided to swim both and we will take what ever comes in the 200 back.   What we are tying to get you all to do it start looking at events and the order they fall.  If you have one of your best events that you really want to do well in, but it falls after an event that you want to do, you may want to give that a second look.  This is the type of meet that you want to do your very best events and just because it says that you can do 3 each session or 6 for your meet total, you don’t have to if you don’t think you have time to recover.  There are other meets for that.   If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me and I will try to help guide you through the process.

Monday, November 23, 2020


 With each turn of the calendar page we get closer to saying goodbye to 2020, but first we have Thanksgiving arriving this week so I ask all of you kiddos out there, What are you truly thankful for this year?  We want you to really give that question some thought as Thursday draws upon each and every one of you. 

Swimmers are usually up before the sun be it practice or those weekends of meets.  While others are still in bed sleeping take a moment, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be THANKFUL for the opportunity to watch a sunrise while creating memories that will last a life time.  

Are you THANKFUl for your teammates, 
after all you do spend most if not all of your pool time with these people.  Have you ever just thanked them?  What for you may be thinking  Your teammates are the ones that you are training with and who are there pushing and encouraging you.  Your teammates are the ones who will have your back, no matter what.  As you go through the process teammates are the ones who help create memories to store in the back of your mind. 

Are you THANKFUL to have a  pool,  your own home away from home and the chance to practice when others may not.  Remember March, April, May.  Your pool affords you the opportunity to participate in a sport you enjoy, and a chance to Destrees from every day life.  Oh, and by the way do you know what de-stressed spelled back words is---desserts .

What about the results of your races?  Swimmers deal with the clock, and for some results are measured in seconds such is  the life of an age group swimmer, but at the next level of the sport results are measured in hundreds of a second, the joys of senior swimming.  Wherever you fall on the pendulum your time there is just a snapshot of your swimming career.  The results are what they are and unlike other athletes in other sports there are no lucky bounces, no Hail Mary on the last play and absolutely no time outs.  So be THANKFUL for every opportunity to do a correct turn during a set, take that extra dolphin kick underwater, work on building your effort during longer races and always be ready to sprint the shorter ones.

Last but not least, How THANKFUL are you for your parents?  Do you ever just say thank you to them for just being there?  After all they are some of your biggest supporters in and out of the pool.  They not only provide you with the all important car 🚘 pool back and forth to the pools, but they also provide for your daily nutritional meals to help you become a better athlete. They are there through it all bad swim, good swim, bad day, good day all with the hope that you become a successful confident person later in life.  

So this Thursday take a moment and cherish what each of you really have and should be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Meet preparation takes many different shapes, and comes at you in your own individual forms and at different times.  Instead of waiting for the day of a meet to make a plan, we encourage you all to make a plan in advance of the meet.

Of course one of the first items to check off is what’s in your swim bag, 2 pairs of goggles, extra caps, and of course an extra suit.  An extra towel and sweatshirt is always nice to snuggle in and stay warm during the meet. 

The coaches have a season plan laid out for the group and this meet will help us in adjusting this plan as we head back to practice.   We understand that these meets look different this season but be thankful for the opportunity to race and take hold of that opportunity with a plan to be successful.  This will all pass and if you take advantage of every opportunity that is afforded to you, you will be in a better position both as a young person and a swimmer when that day arrives.

When this meet appeared on our calendar, we decided to look at it as a training meet.  This being said what we are looking for as coaches is being able to put together what we have been doing in practice and applying it to your races.  What this all means is that we are looking for great underwater’s (5 second rule), our middle 50’s, our 3rd 25’s and of course our overall approach and the total efforts put into the races.

For your part we would like you over the next few days it would be great if you could sit down and write your 2 or 3 events down on a piece of events.   Write down a specific goal that you would like to accomplish in each event.   Now some of you may put down a “ time” and that’s okay, it’s human nature, but if you are that one we would like you to be a little more specific.  What that means is, how are you going to get to that time.  Is it working your walls, or maybe your going to work the middle of the race a little more.  Whatever it is I think the message is pretty clear, you can’t just throw a time out there, you need a plan of how to get there.  Just something to think about.  

When you step up onto the block there is nothing more you can do, but race.  You have trained and planned for this moment and now all that’s left to do is execute your plan.  At this point have fun with it, all of your teammates will pick up on your energy and be in your corner along with your coaches.  You deserve to have fun so enjoy the moment and just race to the best of your ability. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Last week as we worked through our test sets in the Prep and Gold group we would periodically look at the clock to check on everyone’s effort as the set evolved.  You may have figured out, or maybe not that the green clock also helps the coaches keep track of the groups effort with more consistency.  It makes it harder for you all to  ZONE OUT during the set, and you all know what we mean.

We were amazed to watch the last (5) 50’s in the test set when we asked you to really work some magic and drop some time.  We were expecting some 1 and 2 second drops.  The problem arose when we were seeing over 5 second drops in a 50 at the end of a test set.  I’m not sure what you were waiting for other than the fact that you were at that fork in the road with 2 paths to choose from, the easy path or the harder path that involved a little more work and a big effort along the entire path. If the thought crossed your mind that we were going to get in and help you down the pool, you might want to rethink your approach.  

These test sets are designed as both a physical and mental exercise to see were we are, at any particular point of our season.  On occasion we would ask if that 50 was at race speed and you responded honestly and stated that it was not.  Good for you, you took responsibility for the lack of effort.   Sometimes we would hear "I'm tired" but that sounds like an excuse for failing.  It is easy to think if I'm not really trying, I can't lose.  Or, it's going to be hard and painful, so why not wait?  The mind is a funny thing especially some of you Senior Prep kiddos.  Swimmers will often give up and talk themselves out of swimming hard when someone, be it at practice or a meet, starts beating them.  You begin to doubt your own abilities and you shouldn't. Each of you are amazing individuals in and out of the pool.  In swimming, the only true opponent is that clock, and a lack of effort will have the clock beating you every time.  Use the clock as your true measuring guide.   Let's continue to always move forward, you may not like whats behind you.

You really don’t want to get caught from behind  or maybe you enjoy being shark food.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Workout

In honor of Veterans Day we will do the following workout to honor all of our veterans in each of our countries armed branches.  Before we do we think it’s important for you to understand the origin of Veterans Day.  WWI know as the “Great War” ended in June of 1919 with the signing of the treaty of Versailles, however the fighting actually ended on November 11th, 1918 when a armistice was signed by all forces to end all hostilities at the 11th hour.  At the time it was 
believed to be the armistice to end all wars.

November 11 was first know only as Armistice Day, but WWI brought about WWII and soon after we found ourselves involved in the conflict in Korea.  Because of these events the Congress struck out the word Armistice and replaced it with the word Veterans in 1954 and later that year it was signed into law by President Eisenhower and became a national holiday to honor all veterans of the past and also those currently serving our country.  Veterans Day is always observed on November 11 regardless of the day of the week.

Today Workout


Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Some information for you all as we look at our next 2 meets that are on the horizon.  Although the schedule is presenting some challenges this year, let’s attempt to keep it as normal as we can.  That being said as we look at the one day meet in November let’s look at events that will put you in a good position for a GREAT meet in December.  

The December meet will be our first 2 day meet since last February and in any other week it falls on the same week as the Sports Fair meet which is our fall championship meet.  We will approach that meet with a championship attitude.  We will practice with that meet ⭕️ on our calendar.  We will continue to prepare for that meet and when the date nears, we will taper a little, we will suit up, we will swim our best events and we will have a good time, be successful and walk away happy 😃 .

But coach what about our November meet?  Well guys this is what we call a training meet therefore there will be NO SUITING UP , no exceptions. When signing up for your events let’s steer clear of your best events.  What’s that mean coach?  Let’s say one of your best events is the 100 fly, well then why not swim a 200 fly and work on your turns and under waters.  For you 100 freestylers let’s make a go of the 200 free. I think you get the picture and if not ask us, we don’t bite.  Sometimes I think you don’t ask because you already know the answer and don’t want to hear the same thing coming out of our mouths. Put yourself in a good position to allow yourself to achieve great results.  Sometimes the correct path you choose can be hard and though there may be bigger pitfalls, the rewards at the end of that path will be greater.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Practice is Everyting

The mindset that one has when arriving for practice goes a long way in determine one’s successes or failure’s during a meet.  You all know this sport well and how you are conditioned to viewing whether a race is successful or not, think about it.  After getting your hand to the wall, where do you shift your attention, the clock.  That clock will tell a story at that exact moment, but what I can tell you is that you start writing that story at practice and it is your story, no one else.  When we scrawl something on the whiteboard or verbally communicate the focus of a set to you, do you absorb it and really work on it, or do you just flush it and go about swimming along the line

on the bottom of the pool.
We know your thinking they are on their soapboxes again, but we feel this is important if you truly would like to reach your goals and potential whatever they may be.  Let’s take a step back and look at that scoreboard for a moment.  It is something that all swimmers or most of them fixate their eyes on when finishing a race but is it the story.  Sometimes when you allow yourself to fixate all your attention to the final result, opportunities that allow the result to happen get’s pushed to the end of your priorities.  Games, matches and races are always going to be the more exhilarating and fun part for any athlete, but instead of looking at practice as something one has to endure to get to race, lets look at practice as something that is fun and that you are lucky to participate in.  Yes it takes a little more effort than just physically showing up and may require you to change your mindset to something like, "I am going to improve some part of my swimming today."
Ever notice how your mindset and your attitude changes as a “BIG MEET” or “TAPER” time suddenly appears in front of you?  Your walk has a little more crisp in it, your plate at meal time may even look a little different, maybe less fried foods and more color, maybe the devices get turned off a little earlier for a better night’s sleep, even your workout sessions take on a little more purpose.  Why not put a little of that mindset into your workouts, after all it is during these workouts where the foundation of your races are built.  How you execute your turn, streamlines and finishes in those workouts, are how you will execute them in your races.  If you can’t get down and dirty and go all out when we ask you for it, what makes you think you will b e able to flip that switch during a race.  Practice is where mistakes are made and corrected, its where you can test how far and hard you can push yourself  and not be fixated on a time.
GOOD practice and workout sessions give you that mental confidence to step up on that block and ask yourself this question, Why not me Today?  This mindset will always put you in a better position to b e successful.  Without the good practices and workouts one will always question their ability and worry about doing well.  After all you don’t skip homework and studying and than expect an A at the end of the semester, Do You?
“Here is what a "practice is everything” mindset produces;
  • You do the best you can with what you have.
  • You perform at your best no matter how tired you are, or how you are feeling that day.
  • You prepare for your workouts with the same focus and consideration you prepare for competition.
  • You compete at every opportunity with yourself to be better"
Talking with a lot of you big meets tend to make you nervous, but what I truly believe is that when you approach practice with a better mindset it will give you to confidence and knowledge of how good YOU are and will allow you walk onto the deck of a big meet with that confidence and be able to rest it like just another race.  You may not even notice those nerves any longer.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day Workout

So kiddos today is the last day of your 4 day weekend and it just so happens that it coincides with Election Day.  Have you ever wondered why Election Day falls on the second Tuesday in November giving you a day off from school every year.  Why not the first Monday or for that matter any other day of the week, of any other month.

Although it's become more and more easy to vote early sometimes a couple of months before, the first Tuesday of November remains the official day.  But Why November?  Do you remember how Halloween came to be?  Harvest Time.  Yes it has to do with the same thing.  It was that time of the year when all the work for the year had been completed.  Why Tuesday?  Well long before polling places were far away and people had to travel long distances to vote.  For religious reasons people did not want to travel on Sunday and did not want it on Monday  for those same travel reasons, thus we land on Tuesday.   Another reason for that first Tuesday is because November 1st is all Saint's Day and it is also the day that many shop owners balanced their books for the last month.

And so that is why Election Day will never fall before November 2nd of any given year and why you never go to school on the first Tuesday of any year.

Today’s workout 


Friday, October 30, 2020



We hope that this Halloween brings each of you Happy haunting.  This Halloween coincides with a full moon which should make for a nice crisp night to be outside with family or even maybe a few close friends.  The last time we had a full moon on Halloween was 2001 and all you swimmers had not even been born.

Let's take a moment away from the pool and take a look at October 31, which started out being know as "All Hallow's Eve" or what you have come to know as Halloween.  

This very special day began centuries ago at what was know at the time as the Celtic festival.  It was a time that coincided with the end of their harvest season along with the end of summer and goodbye to the long warm sunny day and the preparation for the dark cold days that lay ahead.  It was believed to be a good time to communicate with the deadened divine (having supernatural or magical insight) future.
Now that we have an understanding of this day, let's look at some of the traditions of the holiday starting with, Why do we dress up in costumes?  Sure it's a night where you can be who e ver you want to be, but it began long ago with the superstitions of people who would dress up and go outdoors trying to fool the spirits into thinking that they were one of them.  Apparently they could not fool everyone as Casper became know as the "friendly ghost."👻  

Another tradition that has been passed down through the generations is the one that involved the apple, yes you're correct "BOBBING FOR APPLES",  but when did it start, and why?  During the Celtic times another tribe was know as the Romans and as with all tribes traditions were different.  After the Romans conquered the Celts they had different views on how to celebrate this holiday.  The one thin g that remained the same was the date and it was a festival to celebrate the end of harvest time.  When the Romans invaded Britain they brought with them the apple tree which to the Romans represents the "Goddess of Plenty".  The Romans believed that the first person to catch an apple, would be the first to marry in the new year.  As a young swimmer this may be a good time to be second and not first!  Or Not!

Do you know when the carving of pumpkins started, or even why?  Imagine living centuries ago and on "All Hallow EVE" you would find yourself carving out turnips or potatoes as a way to frighten off the spirits of the time.  When the Irish came to America they found that pumpkins were abundant and would be a great substitute for the turnip and potato and because of it's shape they found the pumpkin easier to carve out.  You may wonder why we carve a face into the pumpkin and place a candle in it, again it was a way for people from a long time ago to ward off all the evil spirits of the time.

One last tradition that we cannot overlook is the candy. 
Everyone has their own favorite candy of the season which always involves the time honored tradition of trading candy with brothers, sisters and friends.  Some of my favorites from my trick or treating days were; good and plenty, candy necklaces, Pez, bottle caps, pop rocks, lemon heads  and milk duds.  This time of year brings out all those red and blue maps but let's take a step back and do a map that tells us the favorite candy from each state.

Which state would you have to trick or treat in to find your favorite candy?  Leave a comment with your favorite candy and the state and I"ll tally it up.    Enjoy the night and scare off those spirits.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Good Monday workout from all the groups. The Junior Gold group worked really hard on getting our head position corrected in free and back while at the same time trying to work on extending our strokes so that we were able to swim “tall” and thus more efficient and faster.  You guys were great with your focus on what we were trying to get you to do.  We also reminded you of our “5 second” rule off the turns and when you all applied it to your swimming, your walls improved tremendously.   Great effort!

Why the 5 seconds?  Do we expect that in you races?  At your level and age at the moment 5 seconds is a lot to ask for, we agree, but if we can commit to 5 seconds in practice we believe that would translate to 2 seconds, maybe more when we are racing which would be a very good thing to strive for.  The more time we can be under water the better off we are as long as we are doing it efficiently.  So keep at it because it takes time to develop and become comfortable doing.

The Senior Prep and High School group worked on our 200 races.  The first thing to consider is how you look at the 200 free, it’s not a sprint, but it is not a distance event either.  So what in the world is it?  It falls somewhere in between but I believe it is closer to a sprint than many of you want to admit to yourselves.  So where do we go now?  You are always telling us how smart you are so let’s step up to the chalkboard and do a little math problem. Yesterday we were trying to get you to look a
at the  200  as 4 races within itself.  Here is a formula we found learns ago that goes a long way in understanding when looking at the 200.  It goes something like this,  X + (x+1.7) + (x+1.6) + (x+1.5) = time.  Let’s break it down so that our fellow teammates will understand.  What is the x ?  Simply this is that first 50 from a dive.  As you get into that second 50 there is just a little drop off, not much and is usually from the fact that we lose the dive.  A  big mistake a lot of swimmers make here is that they back off too much and can’t recover.  You have to find that easy comfortable speed in that first 100 which hopefully will only be 3-4 second off your best 100 time and set you up for a great second 100.   As you  can see that 3rd 50 is faster than your second.  This 50 is really when a lot of swimmers slow down, but it’s also the time where you can take over the race be it another swimmer or the clock.  This is where you have to decide to race.  It’s a mental thing now.  You either want to be average today or great.  You decide at that moment.  It’s your decision.   On to that last 50 now and this is where you have to really believe in yourself and the training that you have been doing.  If you have been honest with your training that 4th 50 will be there and you will get your hand to that wall in record time.  In order to get the results that you are looking for you have to put in the work.  Notice I did not say putting in the time anyone can do that, what you do with that time at practice is the true answer to all your swimming problems.

Class dismissed 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

More than You Think

We had a really good week of practice cumulating with our challenge sets on Thursday and Friday.  As Tony said on Friday "I don't like when you bring that clock out." Hold on for a second that clock is your coach for the day and is a tool to motivate each and every one of you.

Sunday started with a lot of good work on trying to lengthen our strokes.  For the time being we are going to use the long course format on Sunday to really focus in on our strokes so that when we get to our races we can just go.  Yes it can be harder, and requires more stamina but it does help you become a better swimmer.  Age groupers will find that if you have weak spots in your stroke, they surface very quickly in a long course pool.  In a short course pool flaws can be hidden especially if you have strong walls and underwater dolphin kicks.

Think about that for a second.  If you are swimming in our groups on Sunday you have the best of both worlds.  A long course pool where you can really work on the flaws in your strokes, but only if you embrace that thought and really focus.  In the short course pool it becomes vital to perform all of  your turns and underwater dolphins as if you are racing.  Why?, because  most if not all age groupers are still developing their stroke and therefore flaws do exist.  Your walls are a way to overcome some of those flaws.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we got some good stroke and IM work in with a couple of good kick sets.  yes everyone may have that favorite stroke they enjoy doing but the coaches really feel that it is vital to have a good IM in your tool box, therefore lets really get some outstanding efforts in the future as we work through our season.

We finished off our week with our challenge sets on Thursday and Friday.  This set built off of our previous sets and what we were asking you all to do was simple, CHALLENGE YOURSELF on every repeat.  Again we are trying to help you learn how to race.  Sure it is always easy to drift in and drift out of a set, go fast when I feel like it, go easy on some and catch my breath.  This does not work in a race and that is what we are trying to teach you.  We are looking for consistency with the set, in short the same time on every repeat.  We believe with this type of set we are starting to realize that we have more in the tank than we thought.  

Sometimes we think too much about racing and how fast to go and what we are trying to teach is to get out faster at the front of your race.  You all are pretty smart and mentally your brain will not allow you to go out too fast so lets not worry about holding back, it may very well backfire.  And when you have a chance to race, Ask yourself "Why Not Me?" and for for it wether be it a meet or practice.  

Be the BEST version of YOURSELF

Monday, October 19, 2020


We hope that all of you enjoyed yourselves yesterday with the opportunity to get back to what sports is all about, being able to compete.  Remember to send a little thank you to Coach Heather and also Mrs. Lim for all the hard work that they put in to afford all of you with the opportunity to get back to some racing.  We would also like to thank all of our parents for helping us with the meet.  It was much appreciated.

We were so proud of each and every one of you for following all the safety precautions that were in place to allow us this opportunity.  You all took care of your warmups flawlessly with no issues and most of this was done on your own, and guess what no missed swims.


First observation was that within our groups we had no DQ's and this was with a lot of you executing your crossover turns in the IM.  Apparently a few of you still feel a little uncomfortable with the turn and that's okay as we will continue to work on it to help you get there.

The personal best times that were posted yesterday was great to see and even those that were not best times fell right near your lifetime best.  The feedback that I got from you after your races was mostly positive and ran the gamut.  The majority of you were happy and we were excited to see those expressions.  Some although happy mentioned that their expectations were higher which we completely understand.  I would say this to all of you, take a step back and think about how far you have come and the work that was put in to get you back to this point.  

An area of your race that can always use improvement are the walls and by that we mean being aggressive in and out of those turns.  That's not real fast water around the walls in the first place especially when 8 swimmers are churning it up causing all that turbulence around the walls.  To be able to beat that you need to get in, get out as fast as you can in a tight streamline working the fast deep water.

Another area is how aggressively you approach the race.  I read an article this morning that reinforces what we have been teaching you for years.  When you set expectations that may be high you need together out fast enough to give yourself a chance to meet those expectations.  With that, you need to be smart about that first part of your race.  This article stated what we have been teaching you for what seems like forever and that is "almost every one slows down on the 3rd 50 of the 200 or 3rd 25 of a 100."  Now if you are that one oddball who decides to rock that boat you just might b e in a better position than the rest of the field as you head for home.


What were we trying to accomplish with our test set from last Thursday?  It was all about challenging yourself on every repeat and learning out how to race.  The coaches are trying to get you to be a little more  aggressive during the front part of your races and building as the race evolves. Our GREEN clock was your stop watch as you went through the set and the objective was to swim all out and have consistent times throughout the set.  Now if your times were bouncing all over it became obvious that we were either holding back or having a mental block, be it thinking you were tired and you were building in your own rest  period.  During a race you do get tired and we need to help you get through that both mentally and physically.  We will attempt a similar set in a couple of week.

Friday, October 9, 2020

First Meet Back


Yes it may be the season of witches, ghosts and goblins but this is no trick, we will be allowed to hold our first meet in over 7 months this coming weekend.

As we prepare for this meet we would like to impress upon everyone in our groups how important it is to follow the guidelines that have been set up for everyones health and safety.  

It is important to remember that while not swimming we are not going to be able to sit around in little groups socializing.  we need to keep are masks on and keep that distance between ourselves.

Yes its is a small sacrifice that will keep us safe and hopefully will allow all of us to stay in the water and participate in future meets.

Not knowing what the future holds we hope everyone has entered their best events for this meet.  Yes, you heard correctly lets swim our best events and have fun with this meet.  We would like to see you suit up for the meet and take the mental approach of a "mini" championship meet.  Prepare yourself mentally and physically to swim back, don't take this meet for granted.  If you have learned anything during the last 7 months it is that you cannot take your races for granted.  Tomorrow is never a given and this sport can be snatched away in a moment so approach every race as it could be your last and enjoy that moment of  the water engulfing  your body as you move through it like a fish.  Relish that felling and have fun.

With all of that and the new precautions being taken warmups may look and feel a little different.  Our groups  know the basic meet warmup which we do every Wednesday at practice.  Stay mentally focused and do the best you can to warmup and stay warm during the meet.

Some typical mistakes made by age group swimmers involve both physical and nutrition, the first being hydration and keeping your body hydrated through the meet.  It is important to drink and keep drinking before your thirsty.  Stay away from the sodas, fried food and all sugars.  

Warmups, it is important to understand you may need a second shorter warmup before your race if you have sat around a lot.  Along those lines the warm down post race is very important and the timing is critical.  If you put it off to talk to your friends or watch your friends swim the window for success throughout the meet begins closing, so do it immediately to start preparing for that next race, and do it properly.

Bottom line the WARMUP and WARM DOWN are useless if they are not done properly and that involves the timing of when they are done.


 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...