Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day Workout

So kiddos today is the last day of your 4 day weekend and it just so happens that it coincides with Election Day.  Have you ever wondered why Election Day falls on the second Tuesday in November giving you a day off from school every year.  Why not the first Monday or for that matter any other day of the week, of any other month.

Although it's become more and more easy to vote early sometimes a couple of months before, the first Tuesday of November remains the official day.  But Why November?  Do you remember how Halloween came to be?  Harvest Time.  Yes it has to do with the same thing.  It was that time of the year when all the work for the year had been completed.  Why Tuesday?  Well long before polling places were far away and people had to travel long distances to vote.  For religious reasons people did not want to travel on Sunday and did not want it on Monday  for those same travel reasons, thus we land on Tuesday.   Another reason for that first Tuesday is because November 1st is all Saint's Day and it is also the day that many shop owners balanced their books for the last month.

And so that is why Election Day will never fall before November 2nd of any given year and why you never go to school on the first Tuesday of any year.

Today’s workout 


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