Monday, November 23, 2020


 With each turn of the calendar page we get closer to saying goodbye to 2020, but first we have Thanksgiving arriving this week so I ask all of you kiddos out there, What are you truly thankful for this year?  We want you to really give that question some thought as Thursday draws upon each and every one of you. 

Swimmers are usually up before the sun be it practice or those weekends of meets.  While others are still in bed sleeping take a moment, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be THANKFUL for the opportunity to watch a sunrise while creating memories that will last a life time.  

Are you THANKFUl for your teammates, 
after all you do spend most if not all of your pool time with these people.  Have you ever just thanked them?  What for you may be thinking  Your teammates are the ones that you are training with and who are there pushing and encouraging you.  Your teammates are the ones who will have your back, no matter what.  As you go through the process teammates are the ones who help create memories to store in the back of your mind. 

Are you THANKFUL to have a  pool,  your own home away from home and the chance to practice when others may not.  Remember March, April, May.  Your pool affords you the opportunity to participate in a sport you enjoy, and a chance to Destrees from every day life.  Oh, and by the way do you know what de-stressed spelled back words is---desserts .

What about the results of your races?  Swimmers deal with the clock, and for some results are measured in seconds such is  the life of an age group swimmer, but at the next level of the sport results are measured in hundreds of a second, the joys of senior swimming.  Wherever you fall on the pendulum your time there is just a snapshot of your swimming career.  The results are what they are and unlike other athletes in other sports there are no lucky bounces, no Hail Mary on the last play and absolutely no time outs.  So be THANKFUL for every opportunity to do a correct turn during a set, take that extra dolphin kick underwater, work on building your effort during longer races and always be ready to sprint the shorter ones.

Last but not least, How THANKFUL are you for your parents?  Do you ever just say thank you to them for just being there?  After all they are some of your biggest supporters in and out of the pool.  They not only provide you with the all important car 🚘 pool back and forth to the pools, but they also provide for your daily nutritional meals to help you become a better athlete. They are there through it all bad swim, good swim, bad day, good day all with the hope that you become a successful confident person later in life.  

So this Thursday take a moment and cherish what each of you really have and should be thankful for.

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