Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Pace Clock Doctor

So let’s have a little fun with this exercise shall we.  Today we as in the senior prep swimmers were having a little trouble with the clock, seems we were still having a snow day, especially Caitlyn.  Now in her defense she reported that she got confused with too much math.  It’s at this point where I have to ask everyone else, Why is everyone just looking at each other asking, should we go This was not rocket science interval.  Just pretty simple stuff like 4 rounds of 4x50 stroke@55 and 1x100 recovery @2:30. No extra rest between rounds as it is built into the set
So here are 4 simple pace clock equations 

X = first send off. X-5 = second send off. X-10 = third send off.  X-15= fourth send off. X-20 = our 100 free recovery @2:30
First things first, what is X.  Coach Paul and Mike gave you X when they said leave on the top which for our purposes was 00.

QUESTION 1:  when do we leave for our second 50?  Think Caitlyn
QUESTION 2:  when does our third 50 begin?  Sara
QUESTION 3:  when does our fourth 50 begin?  Walker
QUESTION 4:  when do we start our recovery swim?  Chaz
EXTRA CREDIT: when do we start our second round?  Anyone please Anyone

WINNER TAKE ALL QUESTION:  you are swimming 20x50 on the 45.  You are first in the lane and your send off is on the 00.  Which repeats will you be leaving on the 30 during the set?  ( oh and your not allowed to text a friend either.

The clock allows us to proceed through an organized practice and get things accomplished, and it only works if the entire group works together on send offs and not on each other’s feet.  By the way if you ever think that someone is riding your feet, don’t get upset it may just mean that your a little off that day and need to let them go ahead of you.  

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