Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Some information for you all as we look at our next 2 meets that are on the horizon.  Although the schedule is presenting some challenges this year, let’s attempt to keep it as normal as we can.  That being said as we look at the one day meet in November let’s look at events that will put you in a good position for a GREAT meet in December.  

The December meet will be our first 2 day meet since last February and in any other week it falls on the same week as the Sports Fair meet which is our fall championship meet.  We will approach that meet with a championship attitude.  We will practice with that meet ⭕️ on our calendar.  We will continue to prepare for that meet and when the date nears, we will taper a little, we will suit up, we will swim our best events and we will have a good time, be successful and walk away happy 😃 .

But coach what about our November meet?  Well guys this is what we call a training meet therefore there will be NO SUITING UP , no exceptions. When signing up for your events let’s steer clear of your best events.  What’s that mean coach?  Let’s say one of your best events is the 100 fly, well then why not swim a 200 fly and work on your turns and under waters.  For you 100 freestylers let’s make a go of the 200 free. I think you get the picture and if not ask us, we don’t bite.  Sometimes I think you don’t ask because you already know the answer and don’t want to hear the same thing coming out of our mouths. Put yourself in a good position to allow yourself to achieve great results.  Sometimes the correct path you choose can be hard and though there may be bigger pitfalls, the rewards at the end of that path will be greater.


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