Friday, February 15, 2019


All swimmers set out to achieve a best time and win a race.  We live in a world 🌎 where there is a lot of I want, i want, and I want.  But sometimes swimmers forget about the process that it takes to get there.  What they forget is that it doesn’t just happen and fall into their laps, it takes work but then so does life.  True happiness is the process in swimming, when you feel good after a hard workout 🏋️‍♀️ or being with teammates.  Sometimes we forget to enjoy 😉 that part of the sport.

Passion, exactly what does that mean and how can we relate it to our individual swimming.  What gets you up in the morning, and I don’t mean the ⏰ alarm clock or mom and dad.  They may wake you up,  ut what really gets you out of bed and get to practice or a meet.

In order to be successful in swimming you need a degree a PASSION, where you derive that energy that feeds your excitement.  The more passionate you are about your swimming the more positive energy you give off and your confidence will feed off that energy.  On the other hand without that passion we tend to create more of a negative 👎 energy which I would submit leads to more average or below average swims.  Having some kind of passion in swimming will allow you to trust yourself, overcome obstacles that you may place in front of yourself, and have that confidence to swim outside of your comfort zone toward that GREAT RACE we always talk about instead of just accepting the average or good races.  


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