Sunday, November 4, 2018


Friday Warm up 4:00-4:50. Meet starts at 5pm
For Friday events please have a timer and lane counters for your events. You also must positive check in your events. I will check you in as long as you let me know before Friday.

Saturday and Sunday Warm up 7:00-7:50. Meet starts at 8:00 am
They will be using 2 pools for Saturday and Sunday sessions. One pool will be 13 and over girls and 12 and under boys.  The other pool will be 13 and over boys and 12 and under girls.
On Sunday the 12 and under boys 200 free will move to the other pool to help with the time line.


Our groups finished off last week with a great EFFORT at practice on Friday and Saturday.  We spent a lot of time bringing the whole week together with a lot of IM work with great transitions and wall work.  Our underwater work is looking fantastic πŸ‘ and now let’s see if we can carry it into our races the next two weekends. Yes it will tax you both physically and mentally but if you are prepared to step out of your comfort zones and give it a shot, you may be pleasantly 😲.  The best part is that you will learn that though it may hurt you did survive and will live to 🏊‍♀️ another day.

There always is a lot of talking about lack of effort, or lack of so called effort.  Effort involves more than races and the stop watch, it involves so much more and can be all encompassing.  Remember at the beginning of the year when we talked about time management and how you spend so much time away from the pool. Are we putting in the extra effort with school, nutrition, and your sleep πŸ’€ patterns, it all affects the bottom line at practice and on race day.

All athletes want to get better and sometimes we look for shortcuts to that goal.  Do you reach for that energy drink, or it may be the wearing of that TECH SUIT.  Athletes tend to grab anything to make them better than they were yesterday.  Salesman’s pitch is always to say what you want to πŸ‘‚ and not necessarily what you need to know.  Instead of looking for gimmicks look πŸ‘€ into our mirror, and ask that person if they are giving a “good effort” at practice or am I just showing up.  The world is full of people who just show up!  Which one are you?

Putting in a good effort is not only limited to 🏊‍♀️ fast. It is how you swim, it begins by knowing the focus of the warmup.  Are you working your walls and a good technique or is it just sloppy swimming?  During the sets are you focused in on th purpose of the set or just trying to survive?  There are always days when you aren’t feeling it, we all have been their even your coaches.  Those are the days you need to dig deep check your “gut”  and put in a great effort.  When you can go through a day like that and walk away from a great πŸ‘ effort, you walk away feeling proud, and that says a lot about your character 

Let’s have a good week

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