Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Okay you all know that I am a Cowboy fan so today is a little gloomy 😞 as I stood in line to vote this morning, and no it’s not the ☔️ or the impending doom and gloom that will be reported from the media on this voting day.  It’s something that happened early in that football 🏈 game last night, that is a reflection on all athletes.  After the Titans intercepted a pass in the end zone and immediately ran to the middle of the field where the cowboy star ⭐️ is and began celebrating,  ow I know all you Redskin fans were on the floor laughing πŸ˜‚ and giving ✋ to anyone in your vicinity.  Enjoy the moment but than tank a look at what these professional athletes are teaching our younger athletes, and that is SPORTSMANSHIP.    Now don’t get me wrong I am all for a little πŸŽ‰ celebration in the end zone with your teammates,  but to go to the middle of the field and make it about you and to disrespect your fellow athletes goes to far.  Have your little celebration but come on man your a professional and it’s your job and act like you’ve been their before and keep your ego in check.  

Now on the other side of the field I was expecting an all out brawl that should still be going on in the middle of the field with the riot squad being called in to restore peace and order, but know a lone Dallas Cowboy 🀠 showed up and gave the criminal what a would call a gentle shove.  What no teammate for support!   Shoot i wanted to jump into that television take the ball and bounce the 🏈 off this lost souls head.What that told me right than and there was this game is over Dallas will lose so off to bed πŸ›Œ I went.  There was no passion, energy excitement, sense of urgency or whatever you want to call it, but whatever game over.  Pack up and go 🏑, thanks for coming.

Today I look at it from a different angle, and I am reaching here so bare with me.   Just maybe the ENTIRE Dallas team was embarrassed 😳 by what transpired and realized that the reason that TITAN was standing on their ⭐️ was their fault, and if they didn’t like it than stop πŸ›‘ them on the next series and prevent it from happening again.  Never happened as I realized last night and found out to no surprise when I saw the final score.

How does this relate to us in swimming?  Two things, the first being that the first step to success in any sport is some passion, effort, and positive energy and emotions when participating.  If you don’t have it, GAME OVER.  

The second is that I’ve been around for a while and I have seen a range of emotions from athletes and coaches after both victories and defeats.  Some good, some bad.  Always remember this sport is bigger than you, and that you are know more special than any other swimmer, maybe faster, maybe more victories, but  it more special.  Those other swimmers are there  also to improve, friends, practice, and just the fact they enjoy the sport.  So next time you show frustration, throw the goggles in a fit of rage remember everyone sees and judges.  React with excitement but with the realization that this is what you have trained for and expected of yourself.

I would have still thrown the 🏈 at him.  

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