Friday, February 6, 2015


Okay guys it's Friday night here, and those of you swimming Saturday in the snow meet I wanted to touch base. Remember take it one event at a time. Those of you swimming the 50 free remember the breathing that we worked on the past few weeks. For the older ones 1 or 2 down and 2 or 3 back. The younger ones 2 down 3'back. Any more than 5 breaths in a fifty is to much. Have that strong finishing kick. Turns Fast in and FAST off walls. Do not slow down going into turn, ATTACK THE WALLS!! Good luck

Now I told you all that I would keep you up on what I am doing. This is more than sitting around. After flying into Saigon and after touring the city we flew north into the central highlands landing at an old army air base. Upon landing there was no mistake that we were in a communist state. One of the first stops was a place called Camp Holloway which was a huge army air base less than 50 years ago. Today it is home to the Vietnam army. We actually walked around the old air strips and according to our guide that as close as they had ever gotten. As far as they knew we were the first Americans to stand on it since we left. However within 5 minutes we were approached by a Vietnamese soldier who made it very clear that we were not allowed to be there and had to leave. Somehow our Vietnamese guide talked us out of there. Funny thing is as we walked out we noticed the sign in a corner of the field saying RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT. and yes it was in English. Oh well.

There are 20 of us, 14 veterns, and 6 others. I told them that I wish you all could travel with us, because I was telling them how long it takes some of you to get going. We are told the bus leaves at 6 in the morning, well guess what they are all there at 5:45 ready.

My friend from Lee Graham asked if we knew how to cross the street, and of course he picked on me so off I went looking both ways and stopping in the middle of the street. Everyone just screams just go and stop looking. Upon surviving the crossing I found that unlike in America you do not look anywhere but forward and keep going, never stop. They will go around you. Here is a picture of a street. Picture 100's of these coming at you both ways, and then mix in buses cars and trucks and no lights. Pretty amazing


We made our way to the coast by bus and are now going down Highway1 stopping at certain places for each of the vetearns along wit many villages and some city


My swim today after lunch was between three islands starting on the right and ending on the left and no Lexi there was no fly during this swim
Saturday is a free day no travel will be diving in the South China Sea. Three dives two in the morning and a night dive. I miss all of you and I want to say Good Luck in your races this weekend Mike.


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