Saturday, July 6, 2024



Concentration.  What is it? How can it affect your race or your workouts?  One of your greatest strengths as a swimmer is your ability to eliminate distractions and be focused and present in the moment, but it takes as much practice as your time in the pool.  However it is often overlooked by many swimmers in today’s world.

I believe that we agree that as swimmers we are often distracted by both

internal and external things both in practice as well as competition.  These are things that take away our focus and our ability to stay on task and remain in the present.

What you focus on will determine how calm and loose you are, the level of confidence you have going into your race and how quickly you are able to rebound from set backs.  Without the ability to focus on the the now your vulnerable to falling into mental traps.

Concentration is the ability of going into a race and finding what is important and letting go of everything else.  Some of these distractions are external such as the pool, the officials,your teammates and sometimes it's the noise in your head that you need to learn how to let go of.

When an athlete goes into a competition athletes tend to be all over the place, they are thinking about the out come, making a mistake, who's watching basically too many things to focus on and not letting go of it all and finding what is important now.

Try this exercise to test your  concentration.  Take 10 different color markers and throw them in the air and see how many you can catch.  Now put a blue one in the middle of the markers and throw them in the air.  Catch only the BLUE one.  Now you have let go of all the other distractions and what is important is catching the BLUE MARKER.  How did you do?

Focus in the NOW.  Not the Past (past races). Not in the FUTURE (the outcome).  Practice focusing in the moment (the now).  You can't be in the past or the future, you can only think about it.  

Stay in the NOW and keep you focus on the right thing, Your JOB which is to race.  When you get distracted you need to be able to catch yourself and c one back to the NOW.  I know in most of my competitions if I felt myself drifting and getting distracted I always used this phrase when I felt like I was being distracted and losing focus, (THE PROCESS).  It always brought me back to the now and it worked it school also.

Find a trigger word that will help you concentrate and as I say you need to practice this as much as you do swimming.


13 and over triathlon 
RUN 1 mile come thru emergency gate read time off clock coaches will record quickly transitioning move into COMPETITION POOL 
KICK WITH BOARD 300. Read running time coaches record transition to the other pool 
SWIM 500 
When finish cheer your teammates to finish line

9-12 year olds do a biathlon after stretching
Kick 150/ swim 300

Best part is that they cheered for everyone until they crossed the finish line

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