Monday, February 13, 2023



How do you approach your turns in a race?  Chances are that you approach them the same way you do in practice.  Yes the wall involves an obstacle, but only if you approach it like that. When approaching that wall, do you challenge all your energy to that target?  "Wall stands for We Accelerate Lazy Limbs"---turns are an opportunity to gain speed and "find time".  Other than your start there is no other time that your moving as fast as you are coming off that wall.  This is a great detail to work on in practice every day as it will translate to a great opportunity to gain momentum and speed in your races.

Always go into your walls with a "Great Mindset", thinking power, aggression and speed.  When race ing free and back keep your turns simple and fast, with that last stroke chin on your chest and throw those legs over the shoulders and explode off the wall.

During your breast and fly turns always hit the wall in full extension with your head down.  As soon as you touch the wall snap your hips and knees to your chest and get your feet to the target on the wall.  When you go for air keep watching the hand on the wall, Don't turn your head.
A lot of times swimmers turn the head and then turn it back to the wall.  
Slows down the transition.  "Ideally from the time your hands hit the wall to the time your feet touch the wall should be under 1 second."

Work on getting a personal best on your turns.  you have to do therm during practice every time you come upon a wall.

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