Friday, February 3, 2023


Do you show up on race day lacking self confidence or thinking 🤔 of all the excuses to fail?  If that’s the case why are you racing on that particular day?  

You can have a fancy new tech suit, brand new goggles,  a state of the art venue to race in but what it really comes down to is what’s under the cap and between the ears that will determine your fate in any race.

Walking into that state of the art venue without the proper mindset and understanding that your purpose is to race and win, that is your job, if you can’t do that your only wasting your time. Now I am not saying you will win every time out, but what I am saying is that you have to have a positive mindset as soon as you walk onto the deck and know that every heat is winnable.  Showing up on race day hoping to do well is not a good strategy to be successful.  If you have done the work and worked on your weakness you need to trust that process and have the confidence that you’re ready for it.  Don’t look for reasons to fail.  Go out with the attitude that every heat is winnable and ask yourself when you step on the block,  Why not me today?   It’s almost a guarantee that 1-3 will usually have personal best.

Have a great time racing this weekend!

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