Tuesday, March 8, 2022



So last Saturday one of you came up to me to talk about your upcoming races and immediately I could sense the uncertainty in the tone.  To be honest my first thought was 'wow" where is this coming from.  Before I could open my mouth I was hearing some of this. "I hope to go this time at JO but I want to be faster in Florida" and as I stated to walk her back from the edge of this cliff she had talked herself out onto, I thought maybe it's something a few of you need to hear also.

My first thought is, Don't make the moment bigger than it actually is.  What do I mean?  Simply a lot of times athletes get wrapped up in "The Name" of an event such as Super Bowl, National Championship, Title game, All Stars or for our purposes JO's.

First off let's stay in the moment because if we have learned anything in the last two years it is that there are no guaranteed future races so again let's control the race that you are getting up on the block for.  Let's begin with the meet sheet.  When writing a story your opening paragraph contains your thesis which is basically a statement which is to be proved later.  The meet program is saying that you belong in this meet.  You have earned the right to race.  A lot of swimmers look to see where they are seeded and really,  Who cares? The heat and lane that you are assigned to are based on past performances and as we have always said we are focused on the NOW.  The lane you are in just gives you a piece of the pool that you own from the time you step onto the block until your hand touches the pad.  You don't like the lane swim faster and touch the pad sooner.  

So your on the meet sheet, you have a heat and a lane and now it's time for you to take ownership of your race.  What will you do with it?


Back to this swimmer, She said I want STOP, I just STOP, I really STOP.  As she started each sentence I quickly stopped her and ask her to change one adjective/adverb before she spoke again.  It took a few times but she got there on her own and left with a smile.  Moral to all of this is, be careful how you talk to your self, by changing one word to a positive can change whole mood and put things in a new perspective.

Here's to "FAST TIMES and FUN TIMES"

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