Sunday, March 6, 2022


Before we get started on this week we want you to take a few deep slow breaths, relax and know that you have done the work and You are ready for this. 

What can those of you who are swimming this weekend do to prepare to be successful.  First physically, we know you tend to get anxious with this meet but this is not the time to worry and panic.  This process started way back in September and if you have followed our plan and done the work You are going to be okay.  This is not the time to panic and start adding new things to your daily routine, this is the time where you start backing off just a little to the point where your a little on edge. Being a little edgy means YOUR ready to have a great meet.  Here are some things you can do in your preparation ;

This might be the time to clean and air out those smelly chlorinated swim bags.  
Do you even know what in the bottom of those bags. Maybe it's time to find o.ut, maybe something you lost and thought was gone forever will be found.  after all that its time pack the bag like a champion;
  • extra goggles
  • extra caps
  • a coupe of t shirts
  • a sweat shirts maybe sweatpants 
  • couple old towels (why old if you lose them it won't matter)
  • some small snacks (dry cereal protein bars)
  • water

Now that your backpack is packed and ready to go, it's time to pack up mentally.  We spend so much time working on the physical side of being a swimmer wether it be our drylands routines or our workouts in the pool that we forget about the mental preparation. We don't have a lot of time to work on this aspect of your swimming  during practices thus the reason for the blog.

You know that you have made sacrifices and worked hard during practice for this opportunity to have a successful fun filled meet, but you probably also realize that if your a little unfocused or have a bad attitude that it could all come crashing down on race day.

First off realize your not alone.  Secondly TRUST and BELIEVE in yourself and the preparation that you have put in.  Everything from practice, meets, warmups and warm downs have prepared you for this moment.  With that it's important that you realize that your coaches have put you in the best position to be successful and now it's time for you to take ownership of the meet and your races.  

Having big goals are good but also bring large moments of anxiety.  Being nervous and excited are not only good but preferred as it will keep your focus in check and will enhance your blood flow to muscle groups and will put you in race mode.  Too much anxiety and excitement can also be detrimental to your racing, so its best to have some "go to" things to help keep it all in check.  Maybe it's certain music or a song, maybe it's a book, maybe it's some deep breathing exercises off on your own.  Anything that works for you.

As you work through this week spend a few minutes visualizing your GREAT race. How you feel stepping on the block and diving into the water and how you feel in the water.  Focus on yourself and what you do.  Focusing on your competition does little to improve your mindset or performance.  Focus only on what YOU can control, you can't control how other swim so take OWNERSHIP of YOUR race not everyone else's.

Here is something to plan on for the weekend.  IT's that time of year so we will lose an hour on Saturday night which means Sunday morning will arrive an hour early.

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