Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Championship season has arrived for all our Mako swimmers and for the first time in two years it will have a somewhat familiar look to it.  The competition will start this weekend with Junior/Senior Champs at UMD with 14 and under Championships (JO's) the following weekend also at UMD.  The next weekend we will host our Mako Spring Fling at the STJ.  To finish off our Championship[ season Mako will have a large number of swimmers Seniors (end of March) and 14 and under's (middle of April traveling to Saint Petersburg Florida for a national swim meet.

Make no mistake about it, whatever meet you are participating in is YOUR Championship Meet and it is important to you and your coaches.  Since September 1 you have been working really hard, making sacrifices throughout the year all so you can have your "one shining moment" in these last races of the season.  It's a cumulation of everything you have put into this season and sport.

The upcoming competition is the time for you to reap the rewards of your hard work.  Those early morning workouts, the afternoon workouts after school, the time when it will all come together in the RACE.  

With your races lasting anywhere from 25 seconds to maybe 3 minutes and the sessions lasting long over a three day period how does one stay motivated, and make no mistake about it being motivated and staying motivated will play a huge factor in your success or failure.  

First off do not procrastinate with your school work.  Get caught up and get it done before the meet starts.  Take that burden off your shoulders.  A day or two before the meet set aside 10 to 20 minutes to visualize your races.  Find a quite spot, lay on your back, turn your phones off, close your eyes and visualize all the steps you will be going through the moment you step onto that block.  Visualize the success that is coming  your way because not all athletic competition is physical.  Being mentally prepared can help a lesser talented athlete smash a more talented one who has doubts and is not mentally prepared.

Listen to music that gets your heart thumping, watch a race or movie that inspires you. Get excited for this!  This is what you have been waiting for and preparing for.  Don't dread your races or this opportunity to shine and show off your hard work. Embrace this time of year, relish in it, now get out there and race fast!

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