Sunday, February 20, 2022



It’s awesome to see most of you run to grab the workout for the day to see our saying for the day and to see what the workout looks like.  But hold on for a second, is it a good thing to ask this question “ Is it hard?  Maybe you make a statement such as this, I’ m tired or I hurt myself today at school.  What do these statements do?  They give you a built in excuse to not give it your best today, so why are we here?

Your mind is an incredible thing, even if some of you can't figure out the clock and intervals, but that might be a math issue.  When you can push past the pains and resistance that your body has or better what your inner voice suggests are there, you learn a lot about yourself.  It's human nature for that voice in your head to say, I don't want to do this today, I'm tired, skip this repeat, it's okay to get in late. It can go on and on if you allow it. If you give in just ONCE it can change you, maybe not today or tomorrow but sometime in the future it will catch up to you.

Giving in, just once, opens the door that you will give in at any time.  It results in being complacent, a state where you accept normal results and stop seeking that GREAT SWIM we talk about.  Fight that voice in your head.  When it says "this hurts, go slow" or "let's find a reason to skip this one", push that voice away and swim a little harder.  Put the hammer down on the next repeat and feel that true sense of satisfaction. that goes along with accomplishing something that you didn't think possible.

With a little bit of an attitude you will be one step closer to your goals.  It's a process.  No magic here folks.  Just hard work with a purpose.

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