Saturday, January 29, 2022



Our 23 Mako swimmers are posting a lot of best times the past 2 days.  We started with the 500 free for our 11-12 and 13-14 year olds on Friday afternoon and into the evening.  We pretty much all went best times with some huge drops by several of our swimmers.

As we head into the final day on Sunday let’s come to race and not worry about posting best times.  Why do I say that?  A few of you come over and the first thing you ask is, Did I drop time?  Sometimes one can be so wrapped up in the results/outcome that they forget to race.  Surprisingly as that sounds it is true.   Putting all that pressure on yourself about a time or the final outcome puts you into a mental state that creates a lot of anxiety and keeps you from performing at the top of your game.  What ever is going to happen in the pool, is going to happen.  There have been a couple of you who I have seen go faster in practice so those times are out there and we just need to mentally figure out a way to grab them.

We have done all these races during practice so it’s definitely within your reach, stop thinking to much and go race.  If you can’t get first then go get second and if not second race anyone near you.  Have fun with it.  Growing up some of your best races were when you challenged someone at your summer pool and you did anything you needed to WIN.  The only difference than was that no one was timing you.

So tomorrow We put this challenge to all of you, forget the timers and just go race.

Stop worrying about times, outcomes or being tired because it is a given your going to get tired.  The sooner you accept that the better you will race.  


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