Monday, January 3, 2022



Hope you enjoyed your gift of having an extra day of winter vacation today.  We had such a great workout planned for today to help those of you swimming the distance meet this weekend and the 500 the following week at the polar plunge meet.  After careful consideration, okay I didn’t think too much about it at all, we will do todays workout tomorrow for Senior Prep and Wednesday for Junior Gold.

In the meantime in honor of our first big snow storm in a while I thought. I would see how quick you are with a dozen snowman and penguin jokes. 

☃️What do you call a snowman in summer?

⛄️What do you call a snowman's dog?

☃️What do you call a snowman 's children?

☃️Where do snowmen keep their money?

☃️What do you call a snowman having a temper tantrum?

⛄️What do you call a winter monster with a six pack?

⛄️Which is faster hot or cold?

☃️Why do penguins swim in saltwater?

☃️How do you scare a snowman?

⛄️What did the penguins say when they swam into a wall?

☃️How do you decorate a snowman?

☃️Why can't you trust a snowman?

Can you match answers to questions?
  • snowbank
  • slush puppy
  • chill-dren
  • puddle
  • meltdown
  • icing
  • hairdryer 
  • real flakes
  • hot (you can catch a cold)
  • pepper makes them sneeze
  • dam!
  • Abdominal Snowman
have a great time in the snow and we will see you tomorrow!

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