Monday, November 29, 2021



This week is our “mid terms” culminating with a championship meet this weekend with our 11 and overs and next week’s meet for our 10 and unders.

As we enter the next two meets let stay a little more focused on why your at the pool in the first place.  While we want you to have fun and enjoy yourself, we also want you to remember why your their, to RACE.  Many swimmers swim badly because they allow themselves to become wrapped up in everything and racing because secondary on their agenda.  They forget to go through proper warmups and warm downs especially the warm down.  If your not in the warm down pool right after your swim you’ve missed your window.  I see kids running to talk with friends check their phones pretty much anything other than what they should be doing, warming down.  On the flip side they don’t warmup for that next event and think their bodies are going to be able to do what they are about to ask. 

Your mental state also goes a long way in determining how you will preform.  You start to worry about the names and reputations around you, the logo on their caps, past accomplishments, your seed, all things that are totally out of your control.  Last time I checked you race in your own lane, your own little space and I have yet to see anyone jump over a lane line  grab you or take a whack at your arms.  You swim in your own lane and perform at a pace that you decide is necessary to win, uninterrupted by any external forces.

Your race is just that, YOURS.  Make your competition faceless.  It really doesn’t matter who they are because your going to swim an event, and your job is to swim that event to the best of your abilities using the strategies that we have worked on.  All you can do is give it your all and who your swimming against shouldn’t change that.

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