Wednesday, November 24, 2021



So, you had a bad race this past weekend.  End of the world, not likely.  Your a bad swimmer, not likely.  Not working hard enough, only you can answer that one but I doubt it.  Just wasn't your day, more likely.  Anyway the positive is that you got to race, something you love to do and you finished unlike these pour souls who never touched the pad.

Here is something to put in in perspective, You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.  Think about it for a second.

Bad swims can bring about many emotions ranging moping loss of confidence or maybe even thinking your a bad swimmer.  Sound familiar?  First step in dealing with it is to spend some alone time with yourself and mentally evaluate the swim.  A good place for this is in the warm down pool.

No one likes the experience of having a bad result and it's human nature to be upset about it. Don't spend a lot of time being frustrated and by all means don't cause a scene. Take the alone time to get to a better place.  When your ready talk to your coach.  

Every race your in something goes well.  It could have been the start, the turn, the pace or just the way you felt, whatever it was find that one thing and build around that feeling.  The sooner that you realize that a bad result does not mean the swim was bad, there are always positives that you can take away from the event and be proud of.  This past weekend I had a senior prep swimmer come over after her race where she dropped a lot of time and I could see she was not happy, only to find out that she had not reached her expectations.  Don't forget to accept the little victories in your swimming as well as the big ones because as you develop and grow they become fewer and fewer.

In conclusion I would say this to each of you after a bad swim; "Put it away and move on to the next race."
That's the best thing about being a swimmer, there is always the next race.

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