Wednesday, December 1, 2021



Hello Senior Prep and Junior Gold swimmers who will be swimming in the Sports Fair Championship meet starting tomorrow evening at GMU.

Let’s go over a few specifics that we talked about this week so that we are all on the same page.  

First off please be on time for warmups as all the teams have been assigned to lanes. We will have two warmup periods during the 13 and over sessions with one lane in the big pool and one lane in the back pool so arrive focus and ready to rock your warmup so that you are in a position to be successful.  The 11- and 12 warmups will have more room but the back pool will not be open for that session or during finals.  

While we are on the subject of warmups please remember to get in for your warmups for your events and remember it’s just to get your heart rate elevated.  Remember to warm down immediately after your event.  The longer you wait the longer it will take to get warmed up for that next event.  At the end of the day give your body the present that will keep giving all weekend and that is to do a long warm down. For our Senior Prep group a minimum of 400 more if needed.  The Junior Gold a minimum of 300 more if needed.

This is a preliminary/finals meet.  This means YOU are not allowed to scratch without talking to a coach.  We are swimming all of our events and I don’t want to hear that your scratching because your tired.  It’s time to swim like big girls and boys.  If you fail to show up for finals you are scratched from the rest of the meet.  Not showing up is disrespectful to the sport, coaches and other swimmers.

This meet will have relays in it and they are at the end of the sessions so please check to see if your in a relay before you leave.  If you are selected for a relay you will wait in it.

As we talked about this week there have been some changes to the meet particularly in the 11-12 sessions. We will now be swimming boys/ girls in one pool.  This will add 1 hour to the time line but it will also allow more recovery time for the swimmers.  It is still a very short session and a quick turnaround for finals so stay focused and stay positive. The other change is that they are bring back 2 heats, yes that’s 16 swimmers.  Let’s swim into finals so we can have some great nights. 

Above all remember we are all one group and we expect you to take care of each other.  If you see someone’s down go over and picked them up after a swim.  Someone has a great swim go over and congratulate them.

This is the time to face whatever fear 😧 you have in competition.  Meet it head on face it and your ghosts will disappear.

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