Saturday, October 9, 2021



During our practice on Friday we talked about how sometimes we need to slow it down a little and actually feel how are bodies are performing.  Okay I get it, you hear a lot  of work hard, go all out and yes that is important but it is also important to slow it down at times and focus on the execution of of what we are really doing.  Sometimes you need to slow your roll in order to move forward or you just might find yourself going in circles instead of moving forward.

Now on the flip side Saturday morning we threw in parts of a set that were to be swum ALL OUT but as we discussed a  lot of you were having trouble getting to that speed.  And why were we having trouble?  Could it be that you were getting in your own way, stumbling as you went along?

It all comes back to that mental side of this sport and the games that you are playing in your head, and the stumbling blocks you put in front of yourself that prevent you from moving forward.

Here is a good example that occurred on Saturday.  Upon seeing that IM set that we were doing one of the first things many of you asked was, How many rounds are we doing?  All you got from me was, YES.  You don't always need to know how many rounds or set we are doing, all you need is the set that is right in front of you and WORK that.  Sometimes we do more than I plan and sometimes we do less, it depends on the quality that you are giving me as you work through it.  Take care of what is in front of you and DO it Well, and then you can move onto the next things.  Stop making excuses and coming up with reasons why its okay not to perform your best.  That is what is easy to do.  It's creates a safe atmosphere that keeps you safe and away from the consequences of falling short.  Put yourself out there, you might be surprised that you have more than you thought you did.

You swim to win the race so prepare yourself to do exactly that.

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