She had told him that pumpkins were suppose to have scary faces not happy faces. He was mad and told her that it was bad luck to make fun of pumpkins because they had been know to get revenge.
The evening brought with it dark skies and thunderstorms as the weather was beginning to change. Suddenly Helen sat upright on the sofa startled at the sudden noise coming from outside.
She brushed it aside for the moment figuring it’s was the branches from the wind hitting the house when all of sudden there was a loud boom followed by a bright light and the house fell into total darkness. Trembling as she approached the front door she observed that the whole neighborhood had been plunged into total darkness.

Ashley slowly cracked the door open to get a better look outside when she noticed that her pumpkin was gone from the porch, could the neighborhood kids have taken it as a Halloween prank. As she
headed upstairs for bed the hair on her arms started to rise and she became overwhelmed by a intense creepy feeling . As she ran up the stairs she started to shake uncontrollably. Ashley slammed the door shut jumped into bed and pulled the covers up tight. Morning will be here soon, or she hoped.
headed upstairs for bed the hair on her arms started to rise and she became overwhelmed by a intense creepy feeling . As she ran up the stairs she started to shake uncontrollably. Ashley slammed the door shut jumped into bed and pulled the covers up tight. Morning will be here soon, or she hoped.
Later that night she awoke in a cold sweat,
trembling under the covers frozen with fear, from a light coming from outside although she could tell that the power was still off. As she arose from the bed to peer out the window she screamed as she saw her brother's pumpkin coming up the sidewalk to the front door. As it approaches the house things started falling off the shelves crashing to the floor below when all of a sudden the Jack-o Lantern started she speaking, "I see you, let us in." "One, two were coming for you." She started to wonder if her imagination was playing tricks on her, or could this really be happening and was her brother's pumpkin possessed with some paranormal spirit.
trembling under the covers frozen with fear, from a light coming from outside although she could tell that the power was still off. As she arose from the bed to peer out the window she screamed as she saw her brother's pumpkin coming up the sidewalk to the front door. As it approaches the house things started falling off the shelves crashing to the floor below when all of a sudden the Jack-o Lantern started she speaking, "I see you, let us in." "One, two were coming for you." She started to wonder if her imagination was playing tricks on her, or could this really be happening and was her brother's pumpkin possessed with some paranormal spirit.
As she got back into bed she could not get rid of that image or the voice she heard. And what did Jack mean by "us"? Ashley fell asleep only to be woken a few hours later by voices that now seem to be coming from under bed and from downstairs.Ashley needed to know what the noise was coming from downstairs so she arose from bed and went out into the hall and as she neared the top of the steps only to discover that the entire downstairs was full of water, pumpkins and sea turtles.
Before she could turn she found herself falling into the water, as she creeped crawled and floated to keep her head above water she noticed a shadowy figure appear. This figure was shaking her and as she opened her eyes she recognized her mother who was telling her to wake up, your having a bad dream. Ashley jumped from her bed darted down the steps and opened the front door and to her relief her pumpkin was in its proper place. She told her mom that she would never make fun of her brother again.

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