Sunday, September 12, 2021


Great Job to all Junior Gold, Senior Prep, and Junior Blue swimmers we’ve made it through our first week of practice and those first day butterflies 🦋 are in the rear view mirror with nothing in front of us but great workouts and fast times.

It was great seeing all of you again this week as I am sure you all enjoyed getting with your buddies for workouts.  We do have some new mako swimmers in all three groups and it is important that you all introduce yourselves to them and make them feel welcomed.  At the same time let’s work together in helping each other through our workouts with enthusiasm and encouragement.

You all did a great job coming back in somewhat reasonable swimming shape although I heard some moans about swimming against the tide.  The first week was set up to allow us all to get our bearings back which for some of us served as a wake up call to what is needed to get back to where we were back in March and April which was race shape.  Don’t be fooled with the difference between swimming shape and race/competition shape.  For example

I believe I’m in swimming shape but when it comes to racing I’m not even in your league but I understand that.  The point is YOU have to understand where you are today and what you need to do to get where you want to be.  All of you have your books now so try and understand what you have to do outside the pool, we will take care of you at workouts but the work doesn’t stop when the workout is over.

We spent our first week on three of the little things that we talked about in becoming a better meet swimmer and that was our STREAMLINE, UNDERWATER DOLPHINS, and not breathing on our first stroke off the wall or our last strokes into the walls.  Let’s see if we can carry those things I to our second week as we throw in a couple of more.

We finished up our week outside with some IM work and some wall kicking and exploding streamlines.  If the weather stays hot all week and the temperature of the water doesn’t drop maybe we can stay outside next Saturday.  Maybe I’ll put the high dive up for you.





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