Tuesday, September 21, 2021




It's been great getting to meet and work with you the past three weeks, please be patient as coach Wendy and I try and put names to all the faces.  We have other groups and sometimes to be honest it get's a little crazy.

Coming off your summer season we are sure of this truth and that is you have had to adjust to our coaching.  For these first 3 weeks we have been trying to build a solid foundation with all you that make you a better swimmer this season and especially as you walk into your summer pools on Memorial Day 2022.  What started here will change your swimming and how you race leading not only to more time drops, more ribbons, but a better overall feeling about yourself and your swimming.

We can assure you that no matter your age, or your talent level  if you focus on the things we are trying to teach you, you will become a better swimmer.

The first thing that we have been emphasizing these first few weeks is how to leave the wall in a proper streamline.  Although you may find this boring and mundane it is a simple task that will lead to better and more efficient race.  You see this is such a simple task like making your bed in the morning, after which you can move on with your day and the next task at hand.  Swimming and racing are no different, the race involves many little tasks, such as the start, the breakout, the turn, the pacing, the breathing and the finish.  When they all come together for you all amazing things will happen and the day will be yours.

The way you come off the wall will save energy because there will be less drag and you'll have an easier time getting into your races.  Here is a fact that some of you may not realize; swimming has 7 turns, the free and back flip, the fly and breast turn, the fly to back, back to breast, and finally the breast to free.  The last 5 turns all involve the ready position and the way we are trying to teach you to leave the wall every time and not only when you feel like it.  If you can master that small task you will be on your way to better turns and faster racing.

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