Sunday, September 26, 2021



End of our third week and looking forward to our first meet of the season next weekend to see where we all stand.  This week let’s really focus in on those little things that can make a difference in your races (should be doing this everyday anyway)

Yes that is what I feel like after practice especially those Monday and Wednesday evenings, I’ll sleep where I fall.

This past week the Sr. Prep and Junior Gold groups had their first test set of this young season.  What is a test set, you all are wondering?  It is basically a measurement to gauge where you are at a particular point in your season and how you are progressing towards your goals.  Hopefully you listened and went home and recorded how you felt as you worked through the set.  You should have recorded how many of the repeats that you hit our target time and  how many times you missed it.

Another thing we are trying to accomplish with a test set is create a competitive atmosphere within the group, similar to on you may encounter at your meets.  The emphasis for the next test will be trying to be better than your previous test.  

There are a few measurable components that we can look for within a test set and for this past one we were trying to see if you could hold the set base pace on all the 25's. How did you do?   I was very proud of one of our Sr. Prep swimmers who came to me after practice with concerns that they could not hit any of the times in the stroke portion of the test.  As we talked I encouraged them to record their thoughts on paper and not to be overly concerned at the moment.  We talked about the fact that  this swimmer was doing breaststroke and that they were the youngest in the group, and that now they have a base established that we can work with.  I just hope the rest of you looked at the test set in the same manner.


You all did a great job with your ready positions and streamlines off the walls which will carry you into 5 of your seven turns.  Our backstroke turns are improving with every workout so keep up the good work.  Don't forget that in order to make your turns and streamlines better YOU MUST execute them correctly every time you leave the wall.  the sky is the limit but you have to work and reach for it.  We are there to catch you if you fall.

This weekend we will hold our first meet at The St. James Facility and our team area will be outside so make sure you plan accordingly.  

Just some reminders for all our swimmers to relieve some stress and you are prepared;
  • wear you Mako cap
  • wear Mako team attire 
  • pack extra caps and goggles (they do break)
  • pack water (you need to hydrate yourself. a lot of bad swims can be traced to lack of hydration )
  • bring your chairs
  • KNOW YOUR EVENTS BEFORE YOU WALK INTO THE POOL (you aren't prepared to race if you don't know your events.
  • no scratching (skipping events) unless you talk to your coach. If you are in my group you better make a good argument for not swimming an event.
  • have a plan for what you are trying to accomplish this weekend.  Hint it involves more than a time such as underwater's, breakout's. new events, turns, finish, how you attack the longer events and how did you feel.
  • warm ups will be crowded so remember to CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL it will go a long way in the way you handle the meet
  • work on what's in front of you at the time.  stay with the event that your own not the next one.
proper warm down after swims (my group at least a 200 and at the end of the day before you leave double that,  YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU.)

Have a good week at school and prepare yourself for the meet at practice this week.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021




It's been great getting to meet and work with you the past three weeks, please be patient as coach Wendy and I try and put names to all the faces.  We have other groups and sometimes to be honest it get's a little crazy.

Coming off your summer season we are sure of this truth and that is you have had to adjust to our coaching.  For these first 3 weeks we have been trying to build a solid foundation with all you that make you a better swimmer this season and especially as you walk into your summer pools on Memorial Day 2022.  What started here will change your swimming and how you race leading not only to more time drops, more ribbons, but a better overall feeling about yourself and your swimming.

We can assure you that no matter your age, or your talent level  if you focus on the things we are trying to teach you, you will become a better swimmer.

The first thing that we have been emphasizing these first few weeks is how to leave the wall in a proper streamline.  Although you may find this boring and mundane it is a simple task that will lead to better and more efficient race.  You see this is such a simple task like making your bed in the morning, after which you can move on with your day and the next task at hand.  Swimming and racing are no different, the race involves many little tasks, such as the start, the breakout, the turn, the pacing, the breathing and the finish.  When they all come together for you all amazing things will happen and the day will be yours.

The way you come off the wall will save energy because there will be less drag and you'll have an easier time getting into your races.  Here is a fact that some of you may not realize; swimming has 7 turns, the free and back flip, the fly and breast turn, the fly to back, back to breast, and finally the breast to free.  The last 5 turns all involve the ready position and the way we are trying to teach you to leave the wall every time and not only when you feel like it.  If you can master that small task you will be on your way to better turns and faster racing.

Sunday, September 19, 2021


So why do swimmers or for that matter any athlete need to practice so much?  look at that statement on the right, "We practice to make our strokes and races perfect" but is perfect possible.   Perfect is "having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be."

When you think about it; What is a perfect stroke?  As coaches we all say from time to time during practice; "Focus on perfect stroke during this set."  For myself what I mean is for YOU to focus on getting to your perfect which may be different than swimmer B. Sometimes what is forgotten is that we all come in different shapes, we all have different physical limitations, we all have our own goals, and we are all at different points in our own swimming.

Yes, we all want to end up being in the fast lane, winning the heat or winning the event. That is always the "DREAM GOAL" for every swimmer and that is a great goal to have as long as you keep it in perspective.  Out of all the swimmers in the event only 1 gets that honor and out of a heat of one only one gets the fast lane and only one will win the heat. What does that mean for the rest of us?  We go back to the definition of Perfect from above and that is "being as good as it is possible to be" and as long as you can tell that to the  person in the mirror, YOU were perfect at that moment in time.

Now lets get back to practice and that age old question from swimmers and their parents, Why do swimmers practice and train so much compared to other athletes?  What I have found is some swimmers and parents have a difficult time trying to wrap their heads around that question.  Children who participate in other sports such as basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer or what ever sport it may be attend practices a couple of times a week and in most cases their games last much longer than their practice sessions.  Most of the skills that children learn and need in these activities have been learned since the time they started crawling, walking and running which by the way are all land based activities.

Now lets introduce water into the child's activities which at first is a very foreign concept to an athlete.  It affects our balance and our ability to breathe and the way we propel ourselves from Point A to Point B.  On land we move ourselves with the use of our legs but in the water we need to learn to move ourselves forward with our upper bodies and we have to be able to propel ourselves through a new medium, water.  That

first time in the water is like crawling for the first time and starting from scratch.  To be sure this can be both a refreshing feeling but at the same time a little bit intimidating to children.

TRUE  FACT: when we run or jump on land we make contact with the ground which doesn't move and that force is so great that it moves us past the point at which we made contact.  In the water as we make contact "the catch" that point in the water where we make contact moves as we are pulling and because of this we need to apply force to the water to move forward.  This is where all that practice fits into our story.  Each day you need to focus how you catch the water and how much force and how to channel that force to move forward through the water.  That cannot be learned on land.  With swimming there are so many strokes, turns and events that it takes a lot of practice in order to just be a swimmer.  With enough practice you may progress to a good swimmer and then a great swimmer and eventually emerge as a exceptional swimmer.

If you work hard on focusing on our technique during our skill sets, and on all the little things during practice such as ready positions off walls full extensions into each each turn with explosive push offs and strong underwater's  you are likely to get better and will be on your way to perfection to that person in the mirror.  The one caveat  is that if you don't practice on a regular basis you won't improve and you will end up experiencing what all swimmers have experienced at some time and that is swimmers can quickly lose their feel for the water.  That is why the sport does not have long breaks in it.


Sunday, September 12, 2021


Great Job to all Junior Gold, Senior Prep, and Junior Blue swimmers we’ve made it through our first week of practice and those first day butterflies 🦋 are in the rear view mirror with nothing in front of us but great workouts and fast times.

It was great seeing all of you again this week as I am sure you all enjoyed getting with your buddies for workouts.  We do have some new mako swimmers in all three groups and it is important that you all introduce yourselves to them and make them feel welcomed.  At the same time let’s work together in helping each other through our workouts with enthusiasm and encouragement.

You all did a great job coming back in somewhat reasonable swimming shape although I heard some moans about swimming against the tide.  The first week was set up to allow us all to get our bearings back which for some of us served as a wake up call to what is needed to get back to where we were back in March and April which was race shape.  Don’t be fooled with the difference between swimming shape and race/competition shape.  For example

I believe I’m in swimming shape but when it comes to racing I’m not even in your league but I understand that.  The point is YOU have to understand where you are today and what you need to do to get where you want to be.  All of you have your books now so try and understand what you have to do outside the pool, we will take care of you at workouts but the work doesn’t stop when the workout is over.

We spent our first week on three of the little things that we talked about in becoming a better meet swimmer and that was our STREAMLINE, UNDERWATER DOLPHINS, and not breathing on our first stroke off the wall or our last strokes into the walls.  Let’s see if we can carry those things I to our second week as we throw in a couple of more.

We finished up our week outside with some IM work and some wall kicking and exploding streamlines.  If the weather stays hot all week and the temperature of the water doesn’t drop maybe we can stay outside next Saturday.  Maybe I’ll put the high dive up for you.





Friday, September 3, 2021


You made it to the last weekend of the summer and now have 2 weeks of school completed.  Enjoy this last long weekend before we turn our attention to practice next week.

It look like we are going to get 3 good days of weather so take advantage of the outdoors this weekend, maybe even head to your pools for ONE workout.  I tried to make this workout a fast little sprint workout going into the season.  If you really focus should take about an hour and will get your heart ❤️ rates up.

As we near the start of the season, you have to ask how is your is your first practice going to feel?  Is it going to feel heavy and sluggish almost like your swimming against the tide ?  As you prepare for that first practice remember this; there is more to each workout than swimming back and forth and although the yardage is somewhat important it’s not the end all for your story this year.  It’s about what you do with that yardage, with each set and each repeat.  Focus on how you are swimming, how it feels basically the “little things” during the workout.  If you do that than your story will be a best seller.


Warm up

2x thru

200 free/ back

2x100 free @1:50

4x50 @1:00 (odds fly to back/ evens free to back) fast

4x25 kick All out @40

Rest 1:00


8x25 fly ALL OUT FROM A DIVE @40 (5 squats on even ones)

1x50 smooth choice @2:00

8x25 @45 ALL OUT (odds fly evens free with 1 breath ) from a dive ( 5 crunches after even ones)

1x50 smooth choice @2:00

3 rounds

2x50 all out free @45

1x50 choice smooth @2:00



 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...