Sunday, April 4, 2021



With the end of spring break and the reality of getting back to school for your final quarter, its also time to turn our attention back to the pool.

Now that first plunge and workout may feel a little awkward similar to the bear after a long winter hibernation and it may take a couple of workouts to get that feeling back.  It’s okay, don’t panic all is right in the world, you’ll be just fine.

With a fresh new perspective and a clearer mindset it's time to refocus on your training habits such as, are you going to just stay the course, or are you going to attempt to change the way you practice.  It's time to put your bad swimming habits in a box and lock them down so that they can't get in your way to improving, and no matter how hard those bad habits want back in keep them locked down.

You all know the bad habits that we are talking about but in case they have slipped your minds here is the short list;
  • getting in late (doesn't take 5 minutes to put on caps)
  • lazy turns (not aggressive, slow rotation, loose tuck, poor feet position and on....and on)
  • breathing (in and out of turns)
  • skipping (repeats should not be skipped)
  • ready position (leaving the wall from a bad position)
  • Finish (gliding into wall art finish)
  • technique (letting it get sloppy)
  • beach ball streamlines (you know what we mean)

Okay those are just some of the bad habits that coaches see everyday and causes us to do a lot of head scratching.  Let's take a look at some good habits that you can start today.

TURNS-- Most of you have great intensity while your swimming but when you arrive at those walls your turns are seldom performed at the same intensity, in fact we would go as far to say that

you view them as a break in the action, a chance to catch your breath before the next length.  BAD MOVE as it's incredibly hard and tiring to make up ground off a bad turn.  If you 
remember anything grasp this notion, GREAT TURNS are the easiest way to get faster.

Many swimmers have 2 speeds, fast, and not so fast.  Often fast can mean slow technique work or 200 race pace efforts.  When we do descending sets often times you come in at the same time on each repeat.  Its like you are stuck, but then we are working technique sets and your speed rivals a hard performance set.  Knowing your speed is extremely important in longer races that requires strategy.  Learn to gauge how fast your swimming.

HYDRATION and NUTRITION-- So you cramp a lot during practice, ever wonder why?  Often times it's because your not getting enough water.  You should make a goal to finish that water at every practice.

 This does not mean sitting on the wall and drink for minutes.  Every time you are between repeats take a sip or two from the bottle, you will be amaze how better you feel and the bottle will be empty before you know it.  Nutrition is the fuel that your body needs to recover, repair and perform the next time out.  

Often when a swimmer struggles during practice or a meet I come to find out that 
they skipped breakfast or haven't eaten for hours.  try to eat every 3 hours with your breakfast, lunch and dinner your 3 big meals and a good protein snack in between each.  You know the INDY 500 is fast approaching and I doubt any of those drivers will be taking their cars out with empty fuel tanks.  Why would you take your machine out on an empty tank?  How far do you think your go?and too    

DISTRACTIONS--- They are always around us and how YOU handle them often will result in

the way that you perform.  I often hear things like so and so is sprinting warmup or they are always on my feet.  You have now entered the twilight zone of swimming where outside distractions are affecting your workout and you begin too use it as an excuse to ease up.  Don't let distractions throw you off your game, dig down you don't need perfect conditions to be better you just need water.

DISCIPLINE-- There are two kinds of disciplines here, the one that get's you to the pool and the one that not only gets you to the pool but has you doing things the "right way" in and out of the pool.  The kind of discipline that we are talking about is the one that involves both time management and your habits in the pool.  Are you keeping up with your school work on a daily basis so as to avoid staying up late at night putting your health at risk.  Are you disconnecting

from your devices so as to have some "me time" which can be healthy in so many ways.  

Don't forget what we have talked about before, anybody can be a good swimmer by just showing up and putting in some work, but if you can somehow incorporate the 5 habits above into your lives you will be on the way to becoming that great swimmer that you dream about.

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