Thursday, April 8, 2021



Our Junior Gold and Senior Prep swimmers spent some most of Wednesday working on our breaststroke.  Why do it?  I’m not  a breaststroke person,  but when we asked the kids if they liked or enjoyed the IM event a lot of hands shot up.  Of course our comeback was how can you enjoy the IM without having at least something that resembles a breaststroke and the clip below ain’t it people.  That’s how are older lap swimmers swim breaststroke and maybe with a few more birthdays I’ll be swimming like that.  If i do my daughters informed me that I will never find my equipment bag again.

Now we aren’t looking for any world beaters in breaststroke, but as Coach Paul said they look like breaststroker’s now. On her way out Coach Wendy even mentioned that you all look better and all of this with just a little focus and some extra effort on trying something new.

Now we understand that like the child above not everyone is alike and we are not going to get that square peg into the round hole, but are you going to give up like the child above and just put it away.  You all are better than that and the only way to move forward is to keep plugging away, put the effort forward to just make some kind of improvement each day.  

This is the time of the year to make some improvements on your weak areas as we back off a little in training during the next few weeks.   

Take advantage of this time to improve in the areas you know you are weak in.

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