Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Seuss Green Eggs And Ham

So do you realize that today is Dr. Seuss's birthday?  Do you have a favorite story from your childhood which was not too long ago.  As for mine it has always been "GREEN EGGS AND HAM" which I just finished reading again this morning after practice.  In case you don't have it I left a short clip below for your enjoyment on this gloomy Saturday .

I know what you may be thinking, Coach Mike has finally lost his mind, here we are preparing for Championship season, and our coach is talking about green eggs and ham.  How in the world is that relevant to swimming.   We are in serious trouble now.  

All I ask is maybe you should take a few minutes and now that your a little older read it with an open mind.  Pretty much like a coach may start practice with a simple question, Sam starts out with the simple question of "Do you like green eggs and ham?  As you might in swimming immediately respond with "I can't do 20x25 without a breath!  You and the GRINCH must share the same brain because his immediate response to Sam is I don't like Green eggs and Ham.  Over the course of the story Sam tries to get the Grinch to try the eggs anywhere, but the more Sam pushes the more adamant the Grinch becomes with his disdain for the dish.

How many times in life or for our purposes have you been presented with an idea, whether it be an adjustment to your stroke, a new way to attack your walls,  or some other challenge during a set, and you immediately dismiss it without even trying it out.  How many times have you dismissed it, because it may be hard and take a lot of effort on your part.  You might dismiss it because of fear of failure, but the true failure might be in not trying.

So in closing this was the true meaning in the story as I read it.
"You do not like them so you say?  Try them!  Try them and you may!!  Try them and you may, I say!"


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