Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I wanted to share with you all something that I read the other day.  The clock is the toughest critic that any swimmer 🏊‍♀️ will ever encounter throughout their career.  Some people read it as simply one ☝️ winner and seven losers.  I pose this question; Why can we not read it as eight winners.  There are more ways one can be a winner besides getting their fingers on the pad first.  So as you read this keep that in mind!

The clock.  Doesn’t lie to me.  It doesn’t tell me I’m first when I’m not, doesn’t say “ Nice Swim” if it wasn’t.  It doesn’t care if I’m shaved.  Or tapered.  Or if I’m in an outside lane.  It is a worthy opponent day in, and day out.  It never lets me win, won’t go easy on me.  The clock doesn’t let me off the hook.  But I will beat it. I haven’t yet.  But I will. See yo tomorrow clock! 

Just a thought!

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