Friday, March 20, 2015


Entering this past weekend we all had high hopes and dreams that we wanted to accomplish. Although the weekend was long it was filled with a lot of peaks and valleys with each one of you working very hard to reach the summit. Back in September we all started out in the valley and worked hard throughout the season in order to reach for the stars and reach our dreams and goals for the year. Looking over the results from the weekend I am so proud of the way all of you responded to the challenges that you faced and overcame. Yes, there were some disappointments, and without making excuses, I will point out later how to view some of those races.

Including relays WE had 272 splashes (a Mako record!) at the meet, and those splashes resulted in 194 personal best times. Makos had another 40 splashes in the 3 nights of finals that resulted in another 27 lifetime bests, and another 10 held their times from the morning session after dropping a lot already. When looking over the times, I also have to look at how many were less than .7 off their times, and we had 48 splashes in that area. That gives us a total of 242 splashes (out of 272) that were equal to or better than posted best times. That is pretty impressive, you all and it took the entire team, pushing and cheering for each other to reach that summit. No, it's not the 100% goal that I set, but as Coach Shannon says, that's not realistic. But YOU all know as the song goes you all are my lightning and I am the thunder and I'm going to set that bar HIGH.

As a coach, some of my job is to educate and with that being said, I am sure that it did not go unnoticed that some swimmers dropped huge chunks of time, others little chunks, while others stayed the same or added a little, and a few added a lot. I know it is hard but DO NOT compare yourself to other swimmers. For the most part you will not be happy and in the end it will drive you nuts. Yes, it's hard and I know because I every once in awhile I have to stop myself as a coach from doing it. Most of the time when you are making comparisons, you are not comparing apples to apples, it's more like an apple to a soda! In most cases you have no idea how many days a week they swim, how many hours, when was the last time they swam that event, have they been chasing that cut all year, and did they just get it. What do they do outside the pool (other sports). Our high school swimmers just came off their championship season (Peter, Audrey, Andrew, Gillian, and Katie) and some of them have started spring sports and now we are going to throw another championship meet into their schedules. Believe me, the last thing I would do as a coach is make excuses but at the same time it is important to understand the process and how I need to look at things. Also, understand I am very proud and excited for all of you and especially when a great swim happens, but do remember I need to pace myself because I am normally there for all sessions.


Friday morning, alarms going off, banner and stars hung all in anticipation for the Mako JO swimmers to arrive for a fun and exciting weekend of swimming at the UMD pool. After a good relays our 200 Medley Relays would be the first to test the water and to set the tone for the rest of the team. Were we ready to swim fast? Had all our hard work paid off? Questions were about to be answered as we had entered 7 relays in the first 4 events. With some fast lead off swimmers all 7 relays posted best times. A very exciting and fantastic way to start off the weekend.

The Mako 200 backstrokers were the next ones to race and oh how they raced, with 7 swimmers entered, we posted 6 best times, with Ava, Madeline, and William H. winning the prize for most time dropped. Each of them dropped over 6 seconds.

Up next were the swimmers and their little frog kicks in the 100 and 50 breast stroke. Out of 17 swims we posted 14 best times with Peter M. dropping over 4 seconds in his 100.

It was now time for some of the free style swimmers to head over for their chance at the board. The 200 saw Lauren Y. post a best time and almost going under the 2:00:00 mark for the first time. Ian V. also posted a best time almost going under 1:50:00 for the first time. Another great swim was turned in by Alexa C. dropping 4 seconds. The 100 free saw William M. drop 3 seconds clocking in at 57.98.

It was now time for our fly swimmers to race, and they would post 15 best times. Some outstanding swims in the fly were turned in by Joey, Peter, Andrew, Eleanor, Lindsey, Meridith, Lauren R. and Sara R.

The last events for the AM session were the 400 IM with Kenta posting a best time, and Isabella posting a best time in the 200 IM. It was time for our 11-14 year olds to grab some lunch, naps and maybe even head to school as our 10 and unders were about to arrive for the afternoon session.

The 10 and unders arrived with all the excitement that you would expect. We had a nice warm-up and unlike the previous session a lot of room. Our little breast strokers would begin the meet posting 4 best times. Outstanding swims were turned in by Catherine L. and Elaine C. with each dropping 2seconds in the 50.

Next up were the 100 free and the 50 fly events. We watched Kendyl and Katherine have great races with Kendyl dropping 3 seconds, and Katherine going under 1:00:00 for the first time with a 59.94. Posting best times in the fly were Mattie R. Madison, Emerson, Aleena, Caroline, Angelina (dropping almost 2 seconds), Kendyl, and Lukas.

The next event was the 200 IM and we had 3 great swims in this event. Sofia K. dropped 3 seconds, and Catherine L. and Katherine H. both dropped 6 seconds.

Returning at 6 this evening for finals were Katherine and Matthew (200IM,100Fr), Peter (100 BR), Faith and Luca (50 Br), Justin S. (100 Fr, 50 Fly) and Alexia (200 IM scratched and the 100 fly. Everyone swam great in the evening although we did have a few set backs that we would overcome. It was now time to get some needed rest so we could come back strong for the third day.

Day 3 Saturday arrived and after warm ups we would start off the meet 6 relays and again posting best times in each relay. the rest of the days events were 200 fly, 200 and 100IM, 200 and 100 Breast, 100 and 50 Back, 50, 200, and 500 Free.

In the 200 fly William F. had a rough swim, but he would make finals and swim a lifetime best later that evening. Some outstanding swims in the 200 IM were turned in by Helen, Peter J., Peter M., and Ian who all had huge drops. In the 100 IM we watched Lauren R., Faith, William M. and luca all drop a lot of time while posting lifetime best.

The breast stroke events would start with a mis-step as Natalia missed her heat. She was in the warm-up pool, and informed me that I told her to warm up. I do believe that Natalia and I need to work on our communication skills. We were able to get her into a heat later and I guess she figured she better swim fast because she dropped over 2 seconds. In the 100 Breast Pierce dropped over 3 seconds and luca dropped 6 seconds.

It was now time for the backstroke swimmers to take the pool. Audrey, Julia, Peter and Ian all posted best times in the 100. In the 50 we watched Alex, Lindsey, Madeline, Ava, Lauren R. Elanor, Jacob, William M., Aaron, Luca, Owen, William H. and Justin S. all swim great races posting lifetime bests.

The last individual events saw the sprinters (50), mid-distance (200), and the distance (500) free style events. Some great swims here saw Lauren Y. break a 25 and Peter J. break a 24. In the 200 William M. dropped over 2 seconds and in the 500 Lauren Y. and Cole had 2 great swims and neither one of them would let up during the entire race.

This was a very long session and I want to thank all of you (parents and swimmers) who stayed for the 400 Medely relays. The 10 and unders would start to arrive before the end of the session and I think this is good as it allows them to see the older swimmers race. We had 6 relays entered and posted 3 best time which was not bad after a long morning of racing.

The 10 and unders got an extra treat as they got to hang out with the older kids for a little while. There day would include the following events 100 IM, 100BR, 50 BK, 200 FREE and the 200 Medley Relay.

The 100 IM had all 5 Mako swimmers Sofia, Angelina, Caroline, Kendyl and Matthew post lifetime bests. The 100 breast saw Emerson, Catherine L.,and Matthew all shave about 2 seconds from previous times.

In the 50 Backstroke Tyler W. had an amazing race winning his heat from lane 8 with a time of 35.99. Also dropping almost 2 seconds were Sofia, Ethan, and Paul.

In the 200 Free Caroline Murphy swam a great race splitting 34/39/39/37. Exactly how we had talked about doing it, Was it good communication or sheer luck? Katherine Helms dropped almost 10 seconds in her 200 spliting a 31/35/33/37.

The last events of the session were the 200 Medley relay and all 3 of the Mako relays would post best times. It was now time to rest up for and hang around for the finals to begin.

Tonight for finals we made a slight change for our 10 and unders to see if we could help them after a rough Friday night. We got them to arrive later and changed the plan for their warm up to try and put them in a better position for their events.

Swimming finials this eening were Will Fletcher (200fly),Ian (200 IM,50Fr 100 Bk), Matthew and Faith (100IM/100 Br.),Luca (100Br), Alexa (100 Bk,50Fr), Katherine (50 bk/20FR), Justin (50Bk), and Lauren Young and Peter Makin in the 50 Free. All of these swimmers were very impressive in the pool as they combined for another 10 best time. The most impressive swims this evening were turned in by Matthew Hartshorn shaving another 4 seconds off the 100 bresat. katherine Helms turned in another impressive swim in the 200 free with another drop with some great splits.

Now the question would be, after a good night sleep could the Mako swimmers rise and shine for one more day of fast swimming?


We started the day with our 400 Free Relays and ended up swimming well for the last day but only managing 2 out of 4 best times. The other 2 relays although were right on their times.

It was now time for our distance breast strokers to take to the pool and Isabella and luca were amazing. Isabella in one of her best races of the year would split the 200 with a 36/42/42/and 42for a 6 second drop. Not to be outdone Luca would split a 36/41/42/and finish with a 40 for a 10 second drop.

The next event would see the Mako back strokers take to the pool, with Audrey dropping over 2 seconds in a great swim. Eleanor, Lauren R., William H. and Justin S. would all have good swims while posting best times.

As the backstroke events were wrapping up the Mako free style sprinters were warming up to begin their races. In the 100 free we watched as Allison Hickey posted a 55 and Andrew H., Cole D., and PJ. posted best times. Peter M. and Ian came all so close to breaking that 50 mark. In the 50 free Alexandra, Lauren R., Faith, Owen, William H., Jacob, and William M all swam best times.

The last event of the session for the 11-14 year olds were the 200 and 100 Fly. Andrew Hale, Kevin Bourdelias, Kenta Deegan, and Cole Dyson swam a great race after a long day allposting best times. Alexa after a discussion and some confusion swam the event and added 4 seconds but gave herself a chance to swim it again in the evening which would be huge. The 100 fly saw William Fletcher lower his mark by 4 seconds, and Justin Singletary dropping 2 seconds.

The 10 and under session would start with the 200 free relay with the Mako teams turning in 2 best times. In the girls relay we decided to move the kids around to allow a lead for Caroline to anchor it. She responded by turning in a 30.11 in her leg to win the heat going away.

The 100 back was the next event and the Mako swimmers were ready as they headed to the blocks. We had 6 swims and posted 6 lifetime bests. Leading the way was Sofia dropping almost 6 seconds from her previous time. Also posting best times in the event were Catherine, Kendyl, Katherine, Ethan Birkholz and Paul Kruthoff.

The sprint freestyle was the next event and we had 6 swimmers post best times. They included Lukas, Paul, Jack McLaury, Katherine, Caroline and Angelina. Next up was the 100 fly and we had 8 Mako swimmers in this event. The result was 6 best times. Great swims were Emerson Catherine L.dropping 3 seconds. Angelina turned in a fantastic swim dropping almost 8 seconds. ther drops were turned in by Ethan, Ashton, and Caroline.

The last event for the afternoon was the 500 freeand since Matthew Hartshorn was seeded in the top 8, he would be swimming in the evening

SUNDAY FINALS The evening started with Matthew having a great 500 dropping 12 seconds. We followed that with 200 Breast and Isabella after dropping 6 seconds in the morning held her time, while Luca would drop anothern 2 seconds. Next up was Justin dropping anothere second in the 100 back. lexi would follow that by winning the 100 free dropping another second while Peter and Ian would finally break 50 with both going 49.8 and 49.7. After talking to them about popping the chin off the start both Faith and Catherine would post best times. Also swimming th 50 was William m who held his time from the morning.

The last 2 events of the meet were the 200 and 100 fly. Could lexi rebound from the morning in the 200 and could Justin finish off the meet with a best time for Makos in the 100. After falling behind after the 50 Lexi would come back and win her heat in the 200 with a lifetime bestwhile Justin finished the 100 with a lifetime best.

And so that is how my weekend went and with these pictures Lexi summed up how we felt as we headed home to Virginia

Congratulations to our Zone swimmer




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