Monday, May 27, 2024



So what does today mean to all of you?  Do you really understand or is it all about a day off from school, your pools open up, good barbecue 🍖maybe a movie day with friends.  Those of you from a military family certainly know it’s about so much more with all your sacrifices.

My father served in the NAVY during WW II and Korea and yes Josh Helms they did give those Marines rides to all those islands in the Pacific as America pushed Japan back.

Last night I spent the day at 

Arlington  cemetery where my parents are interned in the wall, and then stuck around for some of the concert.

As you stop and give a moment of remembrance to anyone who has put on a uniform I want to share a short piece from a book my father wrote to each of his 7 kids (yes molly we had 7 also). “ On December 7 when pear harbor was attacked I was a sophomore at Gonzaga High School in Washington DC. The majority of the class ended up enlisting but could not sign until the day of graduation.  I was assigned to

the USS Kitkhun Bay (CVE71) which was an escort carrier ship.  Following orders we headed westward for an assault on Peleliu.  We provided air cover for this assault and then withdrew to Manaus in the Admiralty islands to make preparations for the invasion of Leyte  and the Philippines.  After preparations we joined Admiral Sprague’s task unit, Taffy 3.

On October 20th we started launching air strikes.  On October 25th Japanese Warships were sighted on the horizon.  This was a sight to behold as it took us completely by surprised, to see those Rising Sun Flags from those warships was frightening. Not designed to exchange gunfire with surface ships, we launched what planes we could and turned southward behind a screen of smoke. The battle lasted over three hours into the night. The final phase of the battle was the retaliatory air strikes by both sides.  We splashed a suicidal Japanese Bomber, but had been hit on the port catwalk by another bomber killing one man, and injuring 16  this was the first time during the war that the Japanese resorted to using kamikaze attack.”

There would be other engagements but the one in Luzon was the most costly when a Japanese plane got through and hit the port side at the waterline and about the same time a five inch shell hit the starboard side.  Many sailors were killed and injured and the boat began listing to one side and the captain order them to abandon ship. My dad and minimum crew stayed aboard and were able to save the ship and get her back to port.

For my dad WW II ended with him assigned to Admiral Halsey and the task force off the coast of Japan as America planned for the invasion that was not to come.

Today as you go about your day stop and reflect on the sacrifices that so many have made to allow you the freedoms you have.


The question that always comes up this time of year is, How many days should I train this upcoming season?  Should you give up other sports and activities?  Should I sacrifice more social time with family and friends?  These are questions have been around for a long time  (longer than myself) and sometimes they are hard to navigate. 

There are no short supplies from coaches regarding this issue and I’m sure that my opinion is different than some other coaches but it is my opinion so it’s not wrong. Other coaches who have different opinions are not wrong either it’s their opinion.    

I will give you reasons for my opinion and what I what you to do is form your own opinion on what works for you and your families. I am help and guide you just reach out. 

First and foremost you need to ask yourself this one question, Why do I want to increase the number of training days?   Are your answers short term reasons or long term reasons?  Are you just adding time to hang out or is the time going to be used wisely?  Lots to think about here.  

I believe burnout is just as important to consider as potential growth here. We will all have those days when it’s hard to go to practice, but when you need to take a step back and look at things is when you start finding yourself too tired to do homework, or are you missing a lot of social activities, or is every single practice a struggle.  It’s all a balancing act like life not much different than a teeter totter .

Something all swimmers will run into is that dreadful plateau that can last anywhere from one meet, to several meets or maybe a season or longer.  Never had a plateau, well than your a lucking one.  As you add more time in the pool before HS you get closer and closer to that plateau.  Stop and 🤔 think how can I get faster if I’ve already maxed out my days?  The answer my friends is supplementing your swimming with strength training (swimming specific).  We can always add more pool time when your older.

I would never want to hold you back, but be smart and specific when making these decisions.  Don’t just throw it at the wall and see what sticks.

No set of the week we will continue this week and throughout the summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Mike and Happy Memorial Day to you. Matt Roth


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