Wednesday, May 15, 2024



So, what does it mean to be coachable and what does that mean?  All swimmers out there want to be GREAT, have good races with fast times, but in retrospect do they approach every practice with that same thought.     I am not going to use percentages here, but I suspect that more swimmers fall into the category of not practicing in such a way as to be successful.

The numbers of swimmers out there that come to practice day after day with this singular goal in their heads, "I will be the best version of

myself today" sadly is very small.  In other words they "talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

"It doesn't matter how talented you are, if you don't work hard, welcome feedback, and LISTEN to your coaches you will never reach your true potential.  To be a coachable swimmer you walk onto the pool deck with a purpose, you are committed to your own progress and development.  Listening is a big part of being coachable and no matter how good you think you are, you can always be better but sometimes we let our EGOS get in the way.  We think we are to good to learn anything from anyone.

Coaches want the best for you and are working with you so that you can be successful and reach your true potential in the sport.  The feedback that they give you is important for your development and it is not meant to be criticism and it is important that you see it for what it is and don't take it personally.  never assume that you are perfect and know better.  

(Allistair McCaw from habits that make a champion)
  1. You take responsibility for your progress.
  2. You are open-minded and curious
  3. You continually want to improve
  4. You listen and welcome feedback
  5. You have humility
  6. You have self-awareness 
  7. You are respectful of others
  8. You are not afraid to try new things
  9. You are grateful for the help
  10. You are committed to your progress

The choice is your to what type of swimmer you want to be.

SET OF THE WEEK. (This was a challenge set that we will keep doing until we master it.)

Challenge sets are used during practice to simulate the intensity of a race.  The three BIG things to do during a challenge set are;
  • REMAIN CALM--above all this can Uber your best friend.
  • THE END IS IN SIGHT--this set will end eventually.  Don't worry about what is ahead and instead focus on the task ahead.
  • KEEP TRACK OF YOUR SPLITS--keeping pace is a great way to push through the pain.  Keep tally off your splits.  Seeing the repeated time on a clock allows you to fall into a rhythm and making the set easier.

THE SET 4 ROUNDS (800 meters/15 minutes)
3X50'S @45
1x50 @1:30 active recovery swim

Each round represents one 50 of a 200 swim.  On round 1 we wanted to get out strong and controlled and be consistent with our time on all 3 50's.  The second and third round we wanted to hold the same time about 2 seconds off the first round.  The 4th round we are trying to have the same time or faster and hold all 3.

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