"Good, better, best. Never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best."
OUT WITH 2022 IN WITH 2023
fear of failure everything you want is on the other side of failure
focusing on the uncontrollable recognizing what I can control
dwelling on a bad swim. why keep something you don't want. let it go.
getting in late caps on and ready to go
not having my water. always having my water at hand
not understanding purpose of set understanding and performing set properly
Excuses Stopping myself before excuse leaves my lips
Negative self talk. Turning negatives to positive thoughts
self imposed limitations. swim past the breakers
DQ's. benefit goes to swimmer
always fiddling with goggles get them on and stop fidgeting with them
delays during meets swim meets with no delays
coach who drives into hotel coaches who can drive
Things from the past will either help you or hurt you. If you dwell too long on things from the past it will eventually hurt you. If you take those things from the past and learn from them they can propel you into a better 2023.
Something to think about today. It is my choice to "do as much or as little as I want" but what ever I decide I will have to accept the results at the end of the day.