Thursday, November 24, 2022



Hopefully today finds each of you safely at your Holiday destinations surrounded by family and friends.  Each of you should take a moment today and look around and really be thankful for all that you have and I'm not talking about the material things, I'm talking about the things that truly make your life a happy one.

As for your swimming endeavors this is a great time to take stock and relish all the accomplishments you made in the last year.  For sure there were goods times and bad times, good swims and bad swims, vans with dents in them, finals in a thunderstorm, and long car rides with Heather.  But you all got to swim, race and meet new friends along the way and these are the things you should be thankful for in this sport for they will lAst longer than ribbons and medals.  They last a LIFETIME.  Where else can you dive in become fully submerged with only you, your dreams and goals away from all the Noise of daily life.  Be Thankful for that feeling.

I know I'm thankful to the sport for giving me the chance to work with some amazing kids who just happen to be great swimmers and who also have great parents that trust me to work with each of you throughout the year.


For those of you who get the itch to find a pool and Gert in a little swim here is a little workout 

WARM UP (1200)
8 Rounds
 100 free @1:40/1:50/2:00
50 kick @1:10 (odds board evens no board)

SET (550)
2 Rounds
75 fast kick + 50 easy swim choice @2:00
50 fast kick + 25 easy swim choice @1:30
75 ALL OUT KICK @2:30 allow recovery time for next round

SET (1350)
3 rounds
3x100 IM (fly--back-- breast--  which ever stroke is your major race add a 25 to it) 20 seconds rest
3x50 free @:50  RED (80%). BLUE (90%). PURPLE (race pace)
 rest 1:00 between rounds

finish up with a 400 rest 1:00 200 rest 1:00 100 all swim paddles buoys snorkels.

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