Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 "I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel.  At just the right moment, I light the match."  

We have a big weekend of racing coming up with the annual Swim and Rock meet at Oak Mar.  Our first prelim/final meet of our journey this season.  This will be a good measuring stick to see where we're at, in our journey this season.  As such we would like to take a moment to go over some information about the meet.


FRIDAY 11 and over 7:40-8:20 boys pool 3-7 WU pool 1-4

SATURDAY- 13 and over 7:00-7:40 Girls pool 1-8 WU 3-4
                       11-12 year olds 11:25-11:00-11:50 Girls pool 1-8
                         9-10 year olds 2:50-3:10 Girls pool 1-8. WU 3-4

SUNDAY- 13 and over 7:30-8:00 Girls pool 1-5 WU 2-4
                  11-12 year olds 11:00-11:25 Boys pool 1-7
                    9-10 year olds 3:20-3:40 Girls pool 1-8. WU 3-4


Those of you may have events that need to be checked in before the end of warmups.  First thing, THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY so make sure you take care of this.   There will be a table on deck that will allow you to do this.  At this meet the table is normally down next to the diving boards.  Check your events in as soon as you arrive and before you get in for warm ups.  If you fail to check in you may not be allowed to swim that event.  If you check in and fail to show up you will normally not be allowed to swim your next event.  


Friday and Saturday will be a prelim/final format.  The Top (8) 11&12 year olds will be brought back to swim in the evening.  The top (16) 13-14 and 15 and overs will be brought back to swim in the evening.
All SCRATCHES will be done virtually.  If you qualify to advance to finals you need to show up and swim.  If you fail to show up and have not scratched you will b e taken out of your next event.
If you need to scratch you need to talk to a coach and get permission before you drop it.  You better have a valid argument for scratching and saying I'm tired won't fly, but I"ll listen.

Warmups and Warm downs

Make sure that you prepare yourself for each of your events by properly warming up and warming down. 
If you have been sitting around YOU need to get in the pool and jumpstart your heart rate so that your ready to race.  TAKE OWNERSHIP of your swimming and put yourself in the best possible position to be successful.

TYPICAL SECOND WARM UP. 100 stretch out.  2x50 kick swim. 4-6 where you kick hard to the 10 meter mark in position 11 3to 4 fast strokes and return to wall.  When done put some clothes on get some water and get ready to swim fast. 

When your day comes to an end it is important to jump in the pool and do a warm down.  I know that is probably the last thing you want to debut here is why it is important.   You need to release all the bad toxins that have built up from a session of racing and being on the pool deck.  It will allow you to get a better night of sleep and will allow you to get up the next morning feeling a little better, a little fresher and ready to go at it again.  As the weekend goes on some of you (you know who you are) will need a little more yardage to get yourself ready to race.  


As you work your way through the meet, don't get ahead of yourself.  What do I mean by this?  Let's not worry about your seed.  Doesn't matter, it just gives you a lane to swim in.  Dive in and Race.  That is all you can control.  Don't worry about Saturday events when you have your Friday events taring you in the face.  Don't worry ab out your 400 IM when your next event is the 50 free.  Your seed does not put you into finals, you need to swim that first race in Prelims to get shot at finals.   So stay in the moment.  Handle each race as it comes around and then you can move on to the next.


There is always a lot going on at a swim meet both in the pool and on the deck, both positive and negative.  Stay in your lane and avoid all the distractions that will try and tug you away from your purpose and that is to RACE. 


Lastly enjoy this moment.  The opportunity to do something that you enjoy.  The opportunity to put all your hard york over the last 2 months into a racing environment, and see just how far you have come.
Enjoy your teammates this weekend and have fun racing. 

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