Wednesday, October 12, 2022



You ever go through a workout not knowing exactly what you are doing?  You see the set, you dive in and begin your journey for the day.  Ask yourself this question.  Am I really practicing to improve, or am I Just swimming because I'm here?  Any bells going off in your head?

We have talked lately about the mental side of swimming and no where is this more important than during practice.  It's easy to fall into that routine of swimming along that black line with no purpose.  It's like you are at practice but in reality you're really not there at all.  Just filling a void. As a coach I can easily increase your yardage and as a swimmer you can add more workout sessions and this may work short term but you may not see the success your looking for long term.  There's that phrase again, "THE PROCESS" and what's involve to reach your full potential in the moment.

The process involves avoiding the noise around you during practice.  When you walk onto the pool deck actually Be There, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  If I say "Hi", don't respond with "I'm Tired".  You have already set the tone for your workout whether you know it or not.  Those two words have given you a reason, an excuse to fail for the day.  Stop doing it to yourself.   Instead you should be focused on developing and working on these areas;

  • developing your own skills-- turns, finishes, streamlines 
  • technique--breathing patterns, race strategies, pacing
  • fitness
  • speed-- understand the set and the pace we are trying to maintain (sometimes all you hear is 3x100 everything else is muted.
  • power-- execute each stroke with a purpose

Train to YOUR potential and be consistent in your training.  If we are doing let's say 10x50 and holding pace than be all in.  Don't be the swimmer who does 4 correctly, rest for 2 and finish the last 4 hard.  Training to your full potential involves choices away from the pool like, foods you eat, staying hydrated (yes you Cally) sleeping habits and keeping up with your school work.

Challenge yourself during workouts.  It's always easy to do the things you like or are good at because it's fun.  I get it, but when you know that you enjoy IM's but the fly leg holds you back, why not do some fly during choice.  You know your kick could be stronger but when you're kicking,  holding a conversation seems more important at the moment.  When we swim an easy smooth set are you the swimmer who swims with sloppy habits, bad turns and the list goes on...

Your Self belief also really matters and will figure into your performance in and out of the pool.  How you feel about yourself is important to all aspects of your life and this includes swimming.  We have talked about turning negative words into positive words (good exercise for your journals).  Hopefully you are doing all you can in the pool but you need to take that time outside the pool and learn about yourself and come to respect and love yourself for who you are.

Had enough of not achieving your true potential?


 "Train to succeed, Don't Train to fail."

You should be able to walk out of each practice with confidence, and proud of what you accomplished during the workout and also with the knowledge that you are a little better today.

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