Tuesday, February 23, 2021



This past weekend some of our 13 and over swimmers competed in the DMV showcase out in Manassas.  This was a three day meet with prelims and finals on Saturday and Sunday, and timed finals on Monday.  Although faced with obstacles along the way like everything else this year the meet went off without a hitch.  Mother Nature not wanting to be left out through us a curve at the end of the week with her snow/ice storm causing another delay in the State High School championships and the moving of our Friday sessions to Monday not only losing finals but also at a different facility.

You will be happy to know that despite all of the disruptions and changes our Mako swimmers did extraordinary well throughout it all.  We hit a little bump the first day and although I don’t like to look for excuses I really believe hat because of our missed practices on Sunday and Thursday it took a little longer to get our legs underneath us and that feel for the water.  In other words we might have been a little heavy Saturday morning.

Finals that night however we were back and everyone had some really good races with everyone getting some best times and a few even making the walk to the podium.  Sunday we had a lot of quality races during prelims with a large number qualifying for finals later in the evening.  Again in the evening we came to race and ended up with mostly all best times

Monday we were at the CPAK pool in Manassas a totally different environment and except for our kids who competed at IMX, a new racing venue.  As pointed out by our 13-14 year old ladies we did get an extra hour with warmups starting at 8.

Despite Mother Nature getting involved again with a minor winter storm we were able to arrive safely for some rare Monday swimming.  The difference today was that it was going to be a timed finals format which wasn't going to stop our Mako swimmers.   Without a second swim looming over them they were ready for that one opportunity and they made the best of it.  Although lots of best times were recorded what was nice to see was the effort and how each of you got to those times

Swimmers who qualified for Finals;

Caitlyn Goff, Skylar Small, Sara Small, Ben Farello,

Emily Tao, Sophia Cloutier, Riley Miller, Charlotte Dixon, Ashley Cruce, Adrian Coray, Charlotte Lim, Erin Termina, Kitty Moy Jacobs, Katerine Helms, Ava Craig, Jacob Macrina, Beau Souders, Blake Madsen, Will Breslin, Graham Evers, Claire Kathman, Aleigha Scherber, 

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 Have you ever thought that the water is too cold to train or race in.  Do you know why it always feel cold or a little uncomfortable at fir...