Monday, February 8, 2021



Your parents have always taught you to clean up after yourselves and when eating try not to leave crumbs and what yo ask, does that have to do with your swimming.

Use your imagination for the next few minutes and imagine all the crumbs you leave lying around not only during training but also in your everyday life that   has a direct effect on your success in the pool.

Crumbs are like choices we are faced with everyday and as a swimmer the crumbs you have are many.  Finishing that school project in advance, doing your school work in a timely manner in order to avoid cramming.  Maybe it involves your eating habits and the fact that you could fuel your body with better nutrition.  Garbage in garbage out.  Are you getting enough sleep in order for you body to recover and come back even stronger?  Maybe your technique and effort at practice is not where it should be.  Is your focus somewhere else during practice?  If you are constantly getting in late I would venture to guess that your focus is not on the task at hand.  

It is easy to find and make excuses for leaving crumbs laying around.  However when you leave these crumbs laying around you eventually start looking over your shoulder, and are left to wonder, only if I.  The crumbs you leave today are tomorrow's regrets. Have you ever heard of ROI,

with is an acronym for "Return ON Investment" and that is exactly what you are trying to achieve, a ROI with all your sacrifices and hard work.  Make smart choices that fill you up and puts you in a position to succeed.

Don't leave Crumbs

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