Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Trying to Understand

Sitting here outside on this gorgeous day thinking of something to
write, actually not really thinking just waiting for that thought to come and find me and it just did. Things I hear from you the swimmers that I just don’t understand.

Things I don’t understand; I forgot to do my flip turn.  How can we help you get to where you want to go if you just are not focus or trying.

Things I don’t understand; skipping repeats during a hard set.  Do you just stop when your race gets tough. Come on man!

Things I don’t understand; having little effort with your turns during practice.  Short course races are all about the walls and turns.  Stop looking at the walls as an excuse to slow down and relax. If you lose all of your excuses just maybe you will find better results.

Things I don’t understand; breathing from the flags in when finishing. Of course I get that it’s easier with the breath but just maybe your opponents are focusing on the finish and not getting air. Just maybe!

Things I don’t understand; I don’t have a water bottle. Of course its easy to take a break and go get water, but maybe with a little planning you won’t have excuses to miss repeats.

Things I don’t understand;  I might not do well or I might fail.  So what.  Try and wrap your head around this, what’s the absolute worst that can happen?  Not much.  This is sports and I have not met a perfect athlete yet that always has a good day.  A long time ago every Saturday there was a show called the Wide World of Sports, and it always started with Jim McKay and this phrase “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat”.  Let both experiences make you not only a better swimmer but a better person.

Things I don’t understand;  I’m tired and not motivated.  You don’t own this one people, everyone has those moments it’s human nature.  But coach what do I do about it.  Goes back to that positive self talk.  I read an article about habits a while back and the short version was to think about motivating yourself with habits.  We all have them, we get up, we dress ourselves, we feed ourselves, we do our homework ( hopefully) we attend practice for whatever sport we are participating in.  We do not have to motivate ourselves, we know that to function we have to make it a habit, and we should take the same approach with our swimming.  OUT WORK YOUR POTENTIAL!!  How many of you can look in the mirror and say that to the person staring back.

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