Thursday, February 6, 2020


This Sunday the last of our two qualifying meets of the year will be held at the Claude Moore pool.  Warmup times for the 12 and under’s are at 8:00am.  The 13 and overs will warmup at 12:30.  Please be on time.   The 13 and over session will have positive check in for events so please plan accordingly.  This is your responsibility not the coaches.

I have been asked about suits for this meet.  Simple answer is if you are near your cuts and going for them you should suit up.   If you happen to be swimming events that you have already for or off events you should just wear a good tight suit period.  Let’s be smart about this meet and understand your reasons for swimming certain events.  

I hear a lot of talk at meets about your seeds and I truly believe that too much attention is placed on this and you may not be totally honest with yourself when you say it doesn’t affect you, but it definitely affects your mindset.  Your thoughts are all over the map and you’re lost when the only thing that should matter is what happens in your lane, from the time you go off the blocks until your fingertips hit the pad at the finish.

This Sunday let’s not wait around for that good swim to come knocking on your door.  It’s easy to put this statement out there, I’m  going to get a best time, saying it doesn’t make it so.  Once you put it out there, you need to find a way to go get it.  It may require you to step outside of your comfort zone.  Maybe you will need to go out a little stronger off the blocks and into that first turn, or maybe you’ll need to work the middle of the race a little harder, or it might  require a stronger tempo with both your arms and legs that last 12.5 yards.  Whatever it might be it is going to take more than just saying it and that is something that you’ll need to reach deep inside and find. We can help you if you listen but ultimately it’s up to you to find.

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