Thursday, January 9, 2020


So at practice today as we were finishing our dry land, a couple of you brought up that ๐Ÿ˜ elephant in the room and that is, Should I wear my tech suit to get my cuts?  Simple answer is NO!  

Let’s dive into this issue just a little. First off if you get a cut this weekend it is because you have worked hard and have earned it, not because of a suit.  

Those suits are meant for 2-3 meets a year.  That’s it. You are to wear them at championship meets when you want to have every advantage under the sun.   At the qualifying meets in February we will bring them out if we are swimming for cuts, because if we don’t get them at those meets it won’t matter in March.

The last point I would like to reinforce is our talk about controlling the things you can control.  Don’t get wrapped up into what other swimmers are doing.  Focus on what you are doing.

I hope this finally puts that ๐Ÿ˜elephant to bed.

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